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Unsettling the Anthropos: Reworlding Climate Knowledge for Epistemic Plurality

Unsettling the Anthropos: Reworlding Climate Research for Epistemic Plurality

Unsettling the Anthropos: Reworlding Climate Knowledge for Epistemic Plurality

Date: 28th November 2024
Time: 1:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Venue: University of Warwick (Location TBC) and Coventry Cathedral
Organised by: Institute for Global Sustainable Development, University of Warwick in Collaboration with Global Ecologies Research Cluster


In a world that urgently demands a rethinking of human-centered narratives, Unsettling the Anthropos invites you to join a reimagined dialogue on climate knowledge production. This series, organised to kick off World Commons Week 2024, transcends dominant paradigms and calls forth epistemic justice through diverse, inclusive voices and practices. Drawing on the work of commons scholars and visionaries like Elinor Ostrom, Donna Haraway, and X—where new ways of knowing emerge and entangled futures are shaped collaboratively.

By unsettling the entrenched anthropocentric narratives that shape climate governance, this event enacts a collective exploration of plural forms of knowing, resisting systems of oppression, and cultivating possibilities for reparation and renewal.

Event Highlights

Climate Knowledge Production Cafe

Time:1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Venue: University of Warwick (Location TBC)
This world café, guided by Dr. Hita Unnikrishnan and Emellyne Forman, weaves together multiple forms of climate knowledge to resist dominant, oppressive narratives. The conversation will flow between provocations, dialogic reflections, and methodologies that recognize the deep interdependence of humans and non-humans:

    • Keynote Provocation: Prof. Harini Nagendra, Director, School for Climate Change and Sustainability, Azim Premji University and NYT bestselling author of the Bangalore Detectives Club book series, sets the stage by inviting us to rethink climate knowledge through relational, context-specific epistemologies.
    • Café Session: Facilitated dialogues on deconstructing oppressive systems of climate knowledge and rethinking the commons as living, thriving systems.

Panel Discussion: "Can Climate Narratives Be Uplifting?"

Time: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Venue: University of Warwick (Location TBC)

Can narratives of the Anthropocene be hopeful? Can we imagine futures that are deeply interconnected, more-than-human, and just? This panel, chaired by Dr. Hita Unnikrishnan, delves into uplifting narratives that do not shy away from complexity but embrace the potential for healing. Panellists include:

    • Wren James, Founder, Climate Writers League

    • Prof. Harini Nagendra, Azim Premji University

    • Prof. David Arnold, University of Warwick

Documentary Screening & Panel Discussion: "River Blue"

Time: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Venue: Coventry Cathedral
In collaboration with Critical Ecologies, we will screen River Blue, a documentary that confronts the devastating impact of the fashion industry on global water systems. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion that bridges local, artistic, and academic responses to environmental degradation, chaired by Nirmal Puwar:

  • Unsettle and Reimagine: Engage with radical thought leaders and scholars who are committed to challenging and reshaping dominant climate narratives.
  • Connect Across Borders: Participate in conversations that transcend geographical, disciplinary, and species boundaries, with a focus on collaborative, global commons.
  • Collective Healing and Action: Be part of a community of thinkers and doers, working together to not only resist but to envision and create regenerative futures.

Come for the discussions, stay for the transformation. Let's reimagine what climate justice and epistemic plurality can be, together.