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Data Integration and Curation for Decision Support

The goal of this work is to develop a geo-computational method to integrate heterogeneous flood-related data of qualitative and quantitative nature from “authoritative sources” of centres of expertise and citizens. This method will include developing data visualization interfaces that are able to support the decision-making processes of different end-user groups (see Project Approach):

  1. To inform activities of CEMADEN and CPRM in the macro level that are able to incorporate fine-grained data on flood risk generated in the previous work packages;
  2. To inform policy-making on flooding at the meso-level government administrations;
  3. To feedback to the communities and inform Work Package 2.

The work of this Work Package will start by producing detailed maps of the communities studied by using collaborative mapping techniques based on the OpenStreetMap platform. These maps will not only provide a base reference layer where the critical infrastructure and people exposed to flood risks can be located but will also allow us to collect “risk awareness maps” in order to address the particular challenges of the high-density population areas of our study sites of São Paulo and Acre. The geographic data achieved in this manner will serve as an additional level that will allow the integration of “authoritative” data sources on floods (e.g. sensors, risk maps), with the mainly qualitative data on flood memories generated in WP2 and the qualitative and quantitative data revealed through WP1’s “data diaries”.

Our final aim is to develop a data platform extended to integrate the various qualitative and quantitative data generated in Work Package 1, 2 and 3. This project will ultimately end up producing an integrated geographic database which will serve as a basis to designing an innovative web portal to provide a data visualisation interface to the information provided for the local population and centres of expertise. The effectiveness of the products to support decision-making and raise public awareness on flood risks will be evaluated in surveys/focus groups with community members and decision makers of relevant government agencies.