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Translating Research: Development and application of a citizen-science mobile application for community resilience.

Work package 6 has been added to Waterproofing Data as an additional project funded by UKRI's GCRF programme under a UKRI Collective Fund Award. It will widen the impact of the project to 81 schools and will share project results with Latin American cities outside of Brazil.

This work package is targeted at developing, deploying and evaluating a mobile application and community-based intervention to increase the resilience of flood-prone communities around several cities across the territory in Brazil.

This work package builds upon the results of previous work packages (especially WP2 and WP3) and focuses primarily on disseminating the developed methodology to engage schools, flood-prone communities and local governments in the production and circulation of flood-related data to improve flood resilience. The methodology relies upon citizen science and participatory mapping to generate highly granular data about flood hazards, risks and impacts, whilst at the same time enhancing community resilience by raising awareness and enabling co-design of adaptive strategies with citizens of flood-prone areas. From a methodological standpoint, the main innovation is the affirmation of citizen-generated data as a part of a dialogical pedagogical process, in which social learning is accompanied by the production of accurate and precise data.

This work package thus entails the following main objectives:

(1) Development of a mobile application to allow school students and citizens living in flood-prone communities to generate data about local impacts of flooding, whilst at the same fostering social learning on flood risks and adaptive strategies.

(2) Development of guidelines and materials for supporting schools and local stakeholders to implement flood resilience interventions in schools and flood-prone communities based on the mobile application and on the integration of this with contents related to climate change adaptation and disaster early-warning of the school curriculum.

(3) Roll out the mobile application and interventions to the flood-prone communities, which are part of the existing network of Cemaden Education of 81 schools spread across Brazil’s continental territory.

(4) Perform a rigorous monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of the community-based research interventions to improve flood resilience, and disseminate results to other regional stakeholders in Latin America.


Project Partners

 Cemaden Logo

Funded By : This project has been funded as part of UKRI’s GCRF Innovation and Commercialisation Programme, developed to fast track promising research findings into real-world solutions.

To find out more, please visit the UKRI GCRF Global Research Translation Award: Waterproofing Data website.