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Tennessee Societies (18 societies)


Jewish Burial Association
Formed c. 1847, later became the Hebrew Benevolent Society in 1850

Memphis Hospital
Founded in 1829, original site sold in 1835 with state funding for a new site.
See: Report of the Trustees of Memphis Hospital (Memphis: B R M'Kennie, 1847); Report of the Trustees of Memphis Hospital (Memphis: W F Bang & Co, 1849); Report of the Trustees of Memphis Hospital (Memphis: W F Bang & Co, 1851)

Social Benevolent Society
Organised by male and female free blacks in 1854

Sons of Ham
Male free black society founded before 1860


Ancient Order of Mystic Chevaliers
Founded by elite men

Female Bible and charitable society of Nashville.
Founded by 1817
See: Constitution of the Female Bible and charitable society of Nashville. (n.p., 1817?)

House of Industry
Founded in 1837 by women for girls 'to that they would someday make suitable wives'. Incorporated in 1846 as the Nashville Protestant School of Industry for the Support and Education of Destitute Girls.

Ladies Catholic Orphan Soceity
Formed in 1850 by women of Irish and German descent to assist the work of the Sisters of Charity.

Mechanics Library Association
In existence in 1843.

Nashville Protestant Orphan Society
Voluntary society founded in 1837, orphange opened in 1845. Directresses came from each protestant congregation in Nashville.
See: Minutes in Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee; Constitution and By-laws of the Nashville Protestant Orphan Asylum founded Feb 1st, 1845 (Nashville: W F Bang & Co, 1845)

Robertson Association
Founded by elite men in 1856
See: By laws of the Robertson Association (Nashville, 1856); Constitution of the Robertson Association of the City of Nashville  Feb 13, 1856 (Nashville: W F Bang, 1856)

St Andrew's Society

Society for the Relief of the Poor
Formed by women of the different protestant denominations.

South Nashville Institute
Free School founded in 1852.

Young Men's Benevolent Association


German relief Society

Hibernian Society

Mechanics' Association
In existence in Pulaski in 1843