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Application Process - A Personal Touch

University is personal. So we want to get to know you, the individual. What interests you? What drives you? What do you want your university journey to look like?
We are looking for something a little different. You will have a strong record of achievement but also great potential outside of formal learning. You may have taken a year out, worked in industry, got to where you are through an alternative route, or you may be on a track for a strong set of A-Level, IB or BTEC results.
The small boutique nature of the course means you will get the personalised attention you need to develop, grow and succeed in the industries we know so well. So our application process is a little different.

Entry Requirements

A Level: AAB

IB: 34 points

BTEC: National Extended Diploma D*D*D

Contextual OffersLink opens in a new window

English Language RequirementsLink opens in a new window

International Entry RequirementsLink opens in a new window

Personal Statement

We are open to subject areas studied: Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Business Studies, Computing and Sciences in any combination because we believe anyone can be creative. As long as you can show evidence of a passion for media, creativity and culture in your Personal Statement we will consider your application. You must also be able to demonstrate a convincing commitment to these industries and a sense of where you see your future.


We require a Portfolio of evidence to support your application, and we will send you the details of what we require in our email to you. This is because this course is both pretty unique and particularly competitive due to the boutique nature of its design. We keep our intake smaller than most media courses so that we can offer you bespoke learning, industry opportunities and a professional studio-like working environment. Having reviewed your UCAS application, we will write (by email) asking applicants to submit a Portfolio (creative work, video recording and written work). More details on our admissions process can be found at the Media and Creative Industries admissions pageLink opens in a new window.


5th October 2024

19th October 2024

Visit us to find out more.Link opens in a new window