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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

SoTL at Warwick

Welcome to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) at Warwick website. We hope that you enjoy the many and varied ways that you can engage in taking a more scholarly and research-oriented approach to your teaching.

What is SoTL?

At the heart of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is the aim to understand how students learn effectively and how teaching influences this process. SoTL emphasises teaching as an evidence-informed and evidence-based activity. SoTL encourages us to ask questions about the influence and effectiveness of our teaching on our students’ learning and gain evidence to draw informed conclusions to act upon and share with others.

Here at Warwick we are committed to an inclusive, fluid and holistic view of SoTL. This means that there are varied ways to engage in SoTL and explore questions that we have about our students' learning.

SoTL can also be enacted at multiple and overlapping levels:

Individual level Institutional level Cross-sector level

Developing your individual learning and teaching practice by, for example:

  • Enhancing your knowledge of pedagogic theory and evidence-based practice.
  • Reflecting on and adapting your curriculum and pedagogic practice in light of new knowledge and evidence.

Collaborating with colleagues in the institution to enhance community and institutional knowledge and practices. For example:

  • Participating in Learning Circles or other institutional communities, e.g. WIE, IATL, ADC.
  • Delivering development events or sessions.
  • Disseminating practice through institutional events and channels.

Collaborating with colleagues across the sector to contribute to wider sectoral development of policy and practice. For example:

  • Disseminating activities through external events and channels.
  • Peer reviewing (e.g. journals, professional body awards).
  • Contributing to the knowledge-base (e.g. publishing journal papers, opinion pieces, case studies of practice).
What does this mean for me in practice?

The table above demonstrates that SoTL can involve a range of activities and outputs. These may include curriculum development; innovative learning and teaching resources; publications such as sharing practice papers, opinion or advisory pieces, journal articles; and, community dissemination and engagement. The pages on this website continue to explore the range of ways that you can take a scholary and evidence-informed approach to your teaching and learning practices.


Getting started in SoTL

Find help here for initial steps in taking a more scholarly approach to your teaching practices.

SoTL Fora and Communities

This page will help you to find fora and communities (at Warwick and beyond) that may support and inform your scholarly activities. This includes finding journal reviewing opportunities.

Conducting your own SoTL inquiry

Find support here if you are considering undertaking a focused SoTL inquiry.


SoTL at Warwick - community outputs

This page showcases the outputs from SoTL activities undertaken by colleagues here at Warwick.

Get in touch with Kerry Dobbins anytime for any help or advice with your SoTL activities: 

The SoTL at Warwick website is a collaborative design project. Our valued co-designers are: Valentina Abbatelli, Abi Ball, Mayen Cunden, Andrew Gordon, Bishal Mohindru, Michael Pounds and Amy Stickels.