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Javier Garcia Martinez (PhD Student)

Javier García Martínez

Supervisors: Nerea Calvillo (University of Warwick), Maria Puig de la Bellacasa (University of Warwick), Shanti Sumartojo (Monash University) and Andrea Whittaker (Monash University)

Research Topic:

My PhD research aims to examine the lived experiences and transformative impact of SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressant treatment on individuals' daily practices through a digital ethnography approach. By investigating the complex relationships between humans and SSRIs, the study seeks to gain a comprehensive understanding of both the potential benefits and harms that may arise from the changes brought by these human-SSRI relationships, as well as the role of SSRIs as a technological intervention.

PhD Working title: Living with Antidepressants: Human-SSRI Dis/Entanglements


I am a joint PhD student at the University of Warwick and Monash University, with a background in sociology and expertise in science and technology studies (STS), communication, and cultural studies. My research focuses on exploring diverse interdisciplinary intersections between Medical STS, Care Studies, Affect, and Mad Studies, with a particular emphasis on Digital modes of inquiry.


- García-Martínez, J. (2021) Defining Depression: Endogenous Materialities, Exogenous Immaterialities. Debats. Revista de cultura, poder y sociedad, 135(1), 31-46. DOI:

- Barrionuevo, M., García-Martínez, J., Jurado, A., (2017). Dominar el deseo: El imperativo de la felicidad en el capitalismo emocional [Dominating desire: The Imperative of Happiness in Emotional Capitalism] [Available online in spanish]. Intersticios: Revista sociológica de pensamiento crítico, 11(2)


- Monash Warwick Alliance Joint PhD Scholarship (2022-2026)

- Complutense University of Madrid Master's Excellence Scholarship (2019)

- Santander Bank "Intraemprende" Corporate Innovation Fellowship (2019)

- Complutense University of Madrid Collaboration Scholarship (2017)

- Spanish Government Scholarship for Undergraduate Degree Programs (2014-2017)


- García-Martínez, J. (2023, 29th of June). When Terminator Wept: AI and Post-Human Affects. Presentation on the 2023 CIM Postgraduate Student Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry.

- García-Martínez, J. (2023, 18th of May). Dancing Patients and Magic Bullets: Ontological Reworking on the ‘Discovery of Antidepressants’. Presentation on the 2023 Postgraduate History Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry.

- García-Martínez, J. (2022, 27th of October). The Yellow Pill: On the Politics of Antidepressants. Presentation on The 2022 SPS Graduate Symposium, Monash University, Melbourne.

- García-Martínez, J., & Plaza, C. (2019, 26th of June). Subjetivando la Depresión: Ensamblajes, Rupturas y Rearticulaciones Narrativo-identitarias [Subjectivizing Depression: Assemblages, Ruptures, and Narrative-Identity Rearticulations]. Peer reviewed paper presented at the III Jornadas Investigación Social [III Social Research Conference], Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid.

- García-Martínez, J. (2019, 5th of July). Expropiaciones Emocionales y Antidepresivos ISRS [Emotional Expropiations and SSRIs Antidepressants]. Peer reviewed paper presented at the XIII Congreso Español de Sociología [XIII Spanish Congress of Sociology], Spanish Federation of Sociology, Valencia.

- García-Martínez, J. (2019, 22nd of May). Desde el Abismo con Amor. Tecnologías Afectivas en Disputa [From the Abyss with Love. Contesting Affective Technologies]. Presentation on VII Encuentros de Sociología Ordinaria [VII Ordinary Sociology Conference], Madrid.

- García-Martínez, J. (2018, 28th of June). Depresión en Controversia. Cartografiado Participativo de Redes Discursivas [Depression in Controversy. Participatory Mapping of Discursive Networks]. Peer reviewed paper on I Jornadas de Sociología de las Emociones FES [I Sociology of Emotions Conference by FES], Spanish Federation of Sociology, Valencia.

- García-Martínez, J. (2018, 1st of June). Cartografiado de controversias participativo: Hacia una metodología simétrica [Cartographying participative controversies: Towards a symmetrical methodology]. Presentation on VII Encuentro RED ES-CTS [VII Spanish STS Network Conference], Spanish STS Network, Valencia.


Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL