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End Users

We gratefully acknowledge specific promises of support as follows:

Organisation & Contact


Material Commitment

Warwick Contact

Jaguar Land Rover

Dr Al Saje

Participation, occasional guest lecture: 3 person-days/year, plus project co-supervision.Associated research expenses in the DTC: £2k per year. R Roy (WMG)
Dept of Health NCCRCD
Dr L Cotteriill Authorisation for F Griffiths to devote one day per week to the DTC and its activities (48 person-days/year). F Griffiths (Health)
British Antarctic Survey
Prof C Rapley; Drs Freeman & Watkins. £2k startup in year 2 + follow-on supporting mini and PhD projects, associated with BAS Natural Complexity Programme. S Chapman (Physics)
Rand Corporation
Dr J Grant Participation, occasional guest lecture: 3 person-days/year, plus project co-supervision and its salary cost. Y Merali (WBS)
Dr C Loving (Warwick) Extension to the DTC of an impressive current portfolio of support to Warwick. Y Merali (WBS)
Dr R Taylor (Bristol) £6k student sponsorship; time commitment of 5 named staff. Y Merali (WBS)
NHS Institute
Julian Denney Supervision of up to three PhD’s (at any one time) and 5-15 days staff time/year. Y Merali (WBS)
UK Met Office
Prof J MItchell; Dr N Bowler External supervision of student (with CASE support) and staff time for DTC liaison, associated with collaboration on important sampling in ensemble forecasts and new problems. R Ball (Physics)


Prospective external partners who are believed to have interest in the DTC


Prospective involvement
Warwick contact
BT (Martlesham)
  Research collaboration on network collective states and an end user R MacKay (Maths)
Dept for Transport
Frank Kelly Collaboration and end user on charging strategies for non-convex optimisation of networks. R MacKay (Maths)
SPAWARSCEN (Naval Research)
  Collaboration and end use of pseudo-neural networks for sonar arrays.  
Babraham Institute (Cambridge)
K.Kendrick Research collaboration in neurorecording, and an end-user. Charing Cross Hospital Research collaboration (deep brain stimulation), and an end-user. J Feng (CS)
Warwick Diabetes Research User Group (chair Ralph Omerod), and Diabetes UK
  Collaboration in end use of our diabetes-related research. F Griffiths (Health Sciences)
Royal College of General Practitioners
Prof Peter Campion Their membership video exam is a key end user for our research on complex patterns in clinical consultation. F Griffiths (Health)
Bank of England
Dr. Peter Westaway Collaboration and end use of non-linear analysis of emergent phenomena in financial econometrics. M Salmon (WBS)
City of London financial practitioners
  Rigorous mathematical and statistical analysis of behaviour in financial markets. L Sarno, M Salmon (WBS)
Qinetic and the European COJEN consortium for Coaxial Jet Noise
  Collaboration and end user of research on aircraft noise. R Kerr (Engineering)
Charing Cross Hospital
  Collaboration over Deep Brain Stimulus in Parkinsons Disease J Feng (CS)


Further Contacts (absolutely not complete)


External contact
Warwick contact
BP   PM Rodger (Chemistry)
MetOffice (2) Mike Cullen R Mackay (Maths)
Rolls Royce  