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CRP Forum

Funding Opportunities in Complex Systems Science - Plenary discussion (CRP Forum)

Similar to previous ECCS conferences ECCS'09 will host a so called CRP Forum, which is a discussion round table on funding future projects in the area of complex systems. Different European funding agencies (national and international) will be represented this year. After short statements of the funding agency representatives on background, funding strategies and their interest in complex systems research ECCS'09 participants will have a chance to ask questions and express their views on relevant research topics.


Markus Kirkilionis and Jeff Johnson (coordinators)

Jose Fernandez-Villacanas (EC, ICT)

Ana Helman (European Science Foundation)

Raphael Laurent (EC, ERA-NET)

Colin Miles (BBSRC)

Gavin Salisbury (EPSRC, representing EPSRC/Complexity-NET/ERA-NET)

The CRP Forum is supported by the ASSYST coordination action inside the 7th Framework Programme.

The CRP Forum is scheduled for Friday 25th September 2009, 2pm - 4pm
