ECCS'09 Outline Programme
Monday 21- Friday 25 September 2009, University of Warwick, UK
For the programme as a single file including abstracts see here: programme.pdf (Last updated 20 Sept. 2009).
Use the CSS programme wiki to upload slides of your presentation and add comments.
For an up to date version of the Track schedules click on the links on the left.
Monday 21.09 | Tuesday 22.09 | Wednesday 23.09 | Thursday 24.09 | Friday 25.09 | |
08:15 | Registration opens |
09:00-10:00 | Welcome address Plenary session#1 (MS.02) Tony Prescott - Feeling it. Exploring brain complexity through active touch in animals and robots (09:00-10:20) |
Plenary session #3 (MS.02) Michael Batty - Evolution, Cities and Planning: Exemplars from the Sciences of Complexity |
Parallel Satellite Meetings* | Parallel Satellite Meetings | Plenary session #6 (MS.02) Peter Deuflhard - Medical Simulation Challenges Mathematical Modelling
10:00-10:30 | Coffee (10:20-10:50) - 'The Street' |
Coffee - 'The Street' | Coffee - 'The Street' | Coffee - 'The Street' | Coffee - 'The Street' |
10:30-12:30 | Parallel Track session* (10:50-12:30) |
Parallel Track sessions* | Parallel Satellite Meetings * | Parallel Satellite Meetings |
Parallel Track sessions |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch - 'The Street' | Lunch - 'The Street' | Lunch - 'The Street' | Lunch - 'The Street' |
DigiLab Tour |
14:00-16:00 |
Parallel Track session* |
Parallel Track sessions* | Parallel Satellite Meetings* | Parallel Satellite Meetings | Funding Opportunities Plenary discussion |
16:00-16:30 | Poster session + Tea - 'The Street' |
Poster session + Tea - 'The Street' |
Poster session + Tea - 'The Street' |
Poster session + Tea - 'The Street' |
Tea (15:45-16:20) - 'The Street' |
16:30-17:00 |
Parallel Satellite Meetings* |
Parallel Satellite Meetings 16:30-18:00 |
Plenary session #7 (MS.02) |
17:00-18:00 | Plenary session #2 (MS.02) Dirk Helbing - Cooperation, Norms and Revolutions: a unified Game-Theoretical Approach |
Plenary session #4 (MS.02) |
18:00-19:00 | Dinner @ Rootes Rest. (18:00-19:30) |
Plenary session #5 (MS.02) Nigel Gilbert - Middle range models: modelling real world social processes |
EPSRC showcase poster session + Reception |
19:00- |
Public Event on Global Challenges |
Dinner @ Rootes Rest. (19:00-20:30) 20:30-22:00 Council Meeting Rootes Building |
Springer Reception After Dinner Talk Ian Stewart - |
Dinner @ Rootes Rest. (19:00-20:30) 20:00-21:30 ECCS Committee Meeting |
* GENESYS Workshop runs on Monday/Tuesday as the Track Sessions and on Wednesday as the Satellite Meetings in room B3.02
for organizers: rooms