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What to include in a miniproject outline

Any readable file format is acceptable for project outlines. Submission is through the associated online form. We recommended that the length should not exceed one page A4.

Your miniproject outline should contain the following information.

  • A clear statement of the research objectives of the project.
  • A discussion of why it is interesting.
  • A brief summary of the background to be assimilated and techniques required.
  • A list of prospective deliverables.
  • An indication of the relation to end/downstream users: who should benefit from this [line of] research?
  • A brief outline of avenues for a follow-up PhD project.

Take care:

  • We are not generally interested in scoping exercises. You should make clear that the project contains actual research rather than just research into prospective research.
  • Implementing new experiments is not something we have trained our students to do (but they could certainly contribute to design through modelling).
  • All-or-nothing projects should be avoided: a less successful student should still be able to get somewhere.
  • If data is required, it is essential to assure us that the student will have timely access to it in appropriate form. It is not acceptable to expect the student to spend the majority of the project inputting or cleaning data.