CGT 2011 - Submissions
The submission server is now closed. Updates of papers may still be submitted via EasyChair
You may submit your paper in one of the two possible formats:
- extended abstract (up to 8 pages) to be published in "Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics" (ENDM).
The abstracts must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines that can be found on the journal’s website. Submissions that do not follow the guidelines will not be included in the volume of ENDM.
Please note that the publication of an extended abstract in this journal will NOT restrict the author(s) from publishing a full-length article on the same topic and with the same title in another journal (possibly with another publisher)provided that the original publication is sufficiently enhanced (i.e. approximately doubled in size). However, a simple copyright form must be signed for the extended abstract in order for it to be posted on ScienceDirect. The authors will be contacted by the Publisher 3-4 weeks prior to publication for signing the form.
The deadline for submitting ENDM extended abstracts is December 31, 2008
- abstract (up to 1 page). These contributions will not be included in the volume of ENDM.
The deadline for submitting one-page abstracts is January 31, 2009