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Episode 1 Meet Peter

Unknown Speaker 0:05
Meet Peter, a Warwick University student passionate about entrepreneurship. He has been considering starting his own business, but has struggled to develop a good idea.

Unknown Speaker 0:16
One day, while browsing the local market, Peter encountered a problem many people in the community faced, he did not find the African food he was used to in the market. This realisation sparked something in Peter. And he knew that this was a problem that needed to be solved, and he knew that he could be the one to solve it. The following Friday, Peter took a train and went to Birmingham, where he bought some items, prepared different dishes and went to the piazza to sell them the following Saturday. Peter did not make a single sale despite his efforts, and Peter was confused and didn't understand why. Listen to what Peter said.

Unknown Speaker 0:56
I don't understand why no one is buying my food. I thought this was a good idea. I had done everything right.

Unknown Speaker 1:03
The following Monday, Peter visited Warwick Enterprise, a department within Warwick University that helps students in their entrepreneurial journey. At Warwick Enterprise, the mentor sought to understand Peters problem and offered to help him fully understand the pain he was trying to solve. After a few sessions, Peter realised he had made a mistake by not fully understanding the problem before starting his business. He had not empathised with his potential customers or researched there needs.

Unknown Speaker 1:34
Peter's Journey to start in his own business began. He knew he needed to understand the problem and the people it affected. Before he could start coming up with solutions. One of the tools he was introduced to is called Design Thinking.

Unknown Speaker 1:48
In the following videos, we will see how Peter uses the Design Thinking process to understand the problem and develop a more successful solution for his business. Stay tuned for more of Peter story, and learn how Design Thinking can help your entrepreneurial journey. See you and thanks for watching.

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