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Episode 3 Empathy Stage

Unknown Speaker 0:05
Welcome to the first step of Design Thinking, Empathise. In this stage we focus on understanding the problem and the people it affects. It's about putting ourselves in the shoes of the people we're trying to help and understanding their needs, wants and pain points.

Unknown Speaker 0:21
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It's about putting ourselves in someone else's shoes and their perspective. The key word here is trying, we can never fully understand people's perspectives. In the context of Design Thinking, Empathy is about understanding the problem and the people it affects. To empathise with the people facing the problem, Peter could start by talking to them, he could conduct interviews and surveys to gather information about their needs, wants and pain points. He could also observe them in their natural environment and try to understand their behaviour and actions. You will be shocked at how many innovations have started by observing people in their environments. The best way to empathise with people is by speaking to them.

Unknown Speaker 1:05
You don't want to ask leading questions, but you want to lead them to pour out their problems to you without reservation. That's a hard thing to do. But when people trust that you genuinely care, they will open up.

Unknown Speaker 1:17
During these studies, it's crucial that you be on the lookout for not just what people say, but also capturing their feelings, their fears, what makes them worry and what they wish to be different.

Unknown Speaker 1:29
Do use different methods and tools to capture these insights. Do not rely on your memory. You can sketch Yes, sketch that sad face sketch that happy face, you can use recording devices to capture the voice. Remember, you should seek consent before recording someone's voice. Please explain why you're recording, the purpose and how the data and information will be handled and processed. In some jurisdictions, you may need to have a consent form signed by the subject. You want to ensure that both parties the subjects and yourself have signed a copy of this agreement in such jurisdictions. Beware that some methods using empathy studies are less reliable. For example, you don't want to rely heavily on surveys. Humans have a problem asking the right survey questions, and no room for follow up questions would rob us of the opportunity to seek more profound insights.

Unknown Speaker 2:20
Again, you don't want to use your family or friends to validate your business ideas, they will always tell you what you want to hear.

Unknown Speaker 2:28
Remember our lesson in the second video, we said Peter perceived a problem and thought he needed to solve it. This is a common pitfall for nearly all founders at some point in life. Through empathy studies, Peter can understand his target audience, their needs, wants and pain points and use this information to devise solutions tailored to their needs.

Unknown Speaker 2:51
Another important aspect of empathy is understanding the emotional side of the problem.

Unknown Speaker 2:55
Peter could try to understand how the problem makes people feel and what emotions it evokes. For example, he could understand how the lack of fresh African food at Warwick University makes African international students feel. Are they frustrated, unsatisfied or even sad? You see that we have started to help Peter define his target customers, international students of African origin who need African food.

Unknown Speaker 3:22
You will also notice that we are trying to point Peter towards getting users perspectives and emotions. By understanding the emotional side of the problem, Peter could come up with solutions that not only solve the problem, but also make people feel good, making sure his solution is functional and emotional.

Unknown Speaker 3:42
Empathy is crucial in the prototyping and testing stages. By understanding the customer's perspective, Peter could create prototypes tailored to their needs and wants. To pause for a second, we must distinguish between needs and wants. And this will help us in the next stage of defining the problem.

Unknown Speaker 4:02
In conclusion, empathy is an essential step in the Design Thinking process. Entrepreneurs like Peter can develop solutions tailored to the customer's needs by understanding the problem and the people it affects. Empathy allows us to understand the problem from the customer's perspective and create solutions that not only solve the problem, but also make people feel good.

Unknown Speaker 4:24
So let's follow Peters journey as he uses empathy to understand the problem and develop a successful solution for his business. Thanks for watching. Our next lesson is on Defining stage. See you there

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