Innovation Fellows

Student Innovation Fellows
Each year a number of applicants are chosen to work with the Warwick Enterprise team to deliver and support a range of activities, events and publications.
About the Innovation Fellows
Discover more about the current Student Innovation Fellows working alongside the Warwick Enterprise team.
About the role of an Innovation Fellow
The Innovation Fellows will provide and promote opportunities that:
- Seek to develop creativity, innovation, design thinking and entrepreneurship.
- Enhance the educational potential of others.
- Have a commitment to developing a culture of innovation for all on campus.
- Recruit, guide, and support fellow students to transition successfully through the Warwick Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programme and provide formative feedback on associated reflective learning tasks.
- Facilitate a series of ‘meet-ups’ that accelerate and further the learning in the Warwick Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programme and generate activity that contributes to Warwick’s innovation community.
- Lead workshops that expose fellow students to creativity, innovation, design thinking and tools to hone their entrepreneurial mind-set.
- Sign-post all members of the Warwick community (students and staff) to the opportunities and guidance provided by the Warwick Enterprise Partnership, including the Students’ Union and student-led initiatives.
- Contribute to the Warwick Enterprise social media presence to promote what is available and increase student engagement.
- Participate in dialogue with the Warwick International Higher Education Academy that explores how the educational experience of Warwick students can be developed through creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Contribute to national dialogue that seeks to shape educational policy with regards to entrepreneurship.