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DTC Quantitative Methods module (Term 2 variant) 2011/12

This page is the homepage for the DTC module


Quantitative Methods (Term 2 variant)


for the academic year 2011/12

Module tutor: Richard Lampard 


Further information is available on the following:


Module handbook: (Draft) available for download here

SPSS for Windows (PASW Statistics) 19: Click here to download

Data sources and links to other outside resources: Click here

Online course extracts (as provided by the Library): Click here


All sessions run from 10-12 in Computer Suite 1 (R0.41) - Library, Ground Floor
Week Date Topic Downloads
1a Thursday 12 January Quantitative/Survey Research Design Powerpoint presentation
1b Friday 13 January Secondary Analysis Powerpoint presentation
2 Thursday 19 January Measurement I: Operationalization of Concepts Powerpoint presentation
3a Thursday 26 January Descriptive Statistics Powerpoint presentation
3b Friday 27 January Measurement II: Questionnaire Design and Scale Construction Powerpoint presentation
4 Thursday 2 February Statistical Inference I: Sampling distributions Powerpoint presentation
5 Thursday 9 February Statistical Inference II: Statistical testing Powerpoint presentation
6 Thursday 16 February Bivariate Analysis: t-tests and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Powerpoint presentation
7 Thursday 23 February Bivariate Analysis: Cross-tabulations and chi-square Powerpoint presentation
8 Thursday 1 March Three (or more) Variables: Extensions to Analyses Using Cross- tabulations or ANOVA Powerpoint presentation
9 Thursday 8 March Bivariate Analysis/Regression I: Correlation and Linear Regression Powerpoint presentation
10 Thursday 15 March Regression II: Multiple Regression Powerpoint presentation