One-day Interdisciplinary Conference
14 June 2019
University of Warwick, Coventry
Funded by ESRC-DTC Warwick and Social Theory Centre (University of Warwick)
The Third Culture? // Literature and Sociology
9:00-9:30 Registration (Corridor H.58-H0.60)
9:30-9:50 Welcome (Room H0.51)
9:50-11:30 Panel 1: The Social World through Literary Representation (Room H0.51)
Ferdinando Spina (Università del Salento, Italy):
“The judge's freedom: Reflecting on the novel Porte Aperte by Leonardo Sciascia”
Luca Benvenga (Università del Salento, Italy):
“Modernism between Sociology and Literature”
Charles Turner (University of Warwick, UK):
“From Balzac to Bauman: the problem of social types”
Chair: Katja Laug (University of Warwick)
11:30-11:45 Break
11:45-12:45 Keynote address 1: "On sociology and literature. An unusual bond?" (Room H0.51)
Prof. Mariano Longo (Università del Salento, Italy)
12:45-13:45 Lunch (Graduate Space - Humanities Building, 4th floor extension)
13:45-15:15 Parallel Sessions
Panel 2a: Social Identity and Literature (Room H0.58)
Vera Hanna (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil):
“Memoir and new nomadism: as with language, so with culture”
Katja Laug (University of Warwick, UK):
“Bourdieu and literature – Aesthetic politics and the case of Cormac McCarthy”
Vasistha Bhargavi (RGM College of Engineering and Technology, India):
“Asif Currimbhoy’s The Refugee: Between inclusion and exclusion”
Chair: Erika Herrera Rosales (University of Warwick)
Panel 2b: Sociological and Literary Heuristics (Room H0.60)
Jessica Stritch (University of Warwick, UK):
"Engaging with history and ourselves: the intersections of sociology and literature”
Paul Woods (Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, UK):
“Urban viscosity in East Asia: Reading short fiction with Zygmunt Bauman”
Chair: Christine Emmett (University of Warwick)
15:15-15:45 Coffee break
15:45-17:15 Panel 3: The Poetics of Sociology (Room H0.51)
Jack Palmer (University of Leeds, UK):
“The sociologist as writer: The essayistic and the exilic in the work of Zygmunt Bauman”
Dominika Partyga (London School of Economics, UK):
“Nietzsche’s seducer: Experimenting with ‘Poetics of Sociology’”
Rowan V. Jaines (University of Sheffield, UK):
“The art of sinking into the gap; the value of metonymy and metaphor in analysis of social meaning”
Chair: Piermarco Piu (University of Warwick)
17:15-17:30 Break
17:30-18:30 Keynote address 2: "Literature as Social Criticism: Verse in motion in South Asia" (Room H0.51)
Prof. Virinder Kalra (University of Warwick, UK)
18:30-18:40 Concluding remarks
18:40-19:15 Wine reception