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yuvarlak.gif Attends to the choice of working language(s)
yuvarlak.gif Chooses modes of communication that suit the particular communicative purpose
yuvarlak.gif Establishes suitable communication networks
yuvarlak.gif Establishes and agrees communication protocols
yuvarlak.gif Takes steps to deal with communication problems
yuvarlak.gif Motivated to learn and use other languages, and willing to invest time and effort in this
yuvarlak.gif Confident in ability to pick up and use foreign languages
yuvarlak.gif Tries out words and expressions in unfamiliar languages
yuvarlak.gif Adapts use of language to the proficiency level of the recipient(s) so as to maximise comprehensibility
yuvarlak.gif Pays attention to, and adapts where necessary, aspects such as:
 tick.gif Speed
 tick.gif Frequency and length of pausing
 tick.gif Complexity of sentence structure
 tick.gif Complexity of vocabulary
 tick.gif Use of idioms and colloquialisms
 tick.gif Use of local accents and dialects
yuvarlak.gif Listens attentively
yuvarlak.gif Signals that listening is taking place
yuvarlak.gif Regularly checks and clarifies the meaning of important words and phrases, to ensure that all participants attach the same meaning to them, even when they are well known
yuvarlak.gif Notices potential misunderstandings and seeks clarification/negotiates meaning until common understanding is reached
yuvarlak.gifAdept at observing indirect signals of meaning, such as intonation, eye contact and body language, and at picking up meaning from them
yuvarlak.gifPro-actively studies indirect signals of meaning, asking about them in order to deepen their knowledge at a conscious level
yuvarlak.gifLearns to interpret indirect signals appropriately in different cultural and communicative contexts
yuvarlak.gifDiscloses and elicits background information that is needed for mutual understanding and meaningful negotiation
yuvarlak.gifStructures and highlights information by using discourse markers to ‘label’ language, by using visual or written aids, and by paying attention to the sequencing of information
yuvarlak.gifExposes own intentions by explaining not only ‘what’ s/he wants, but also ‘why’ s/he wants it
Stylistic flexibility
yuvarlak.gifPays attention to the different styles of communication (e.g. formal/informal; expressive/restrained) that people may use
yuvarlak.gifBuilds a repertoire of styles to suit different purposes, contexts and audiences
Uses different language styles flexibly to suit different purposes, contexts and audiences