Emma Barker - Journal and Conferences Manager
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SH2.02 IATL Senate House
Emma is IATL's Journal and Conferences Manager, having joined the department in 2013. She manages both Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research, an online, peer-reviewed journal, dedicated to the publication of high-quality undergraduate student research and ICUR: the International Conference of Undergraduate Research with support from IATL's Student Research Support Officers and student co-creation teams. Emma brought extensive experience of commercial publishing, conference management, and marketing to IATl, having previously held positions at the Association for Jewish Studies, New York University Press, and Continuum Publishing (now Bloomsbury Academic).
Emma works across the student research strategy in IATL and has developed new projects and partnerships in this area. She is a key member of the Student Research Working Group at Warwick and is a member of the Executive Group of the British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR), as well as the Alliance for Global Undergraduate Research (AGUR). In 2019, Emma was selected to become a Fellow of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA) and co-designed the Support the Support Project as a WIHEA-funded project. She is an Associate of the Monash Warwick Alliance, having worked collaborated with colleagues at Monash University on both ICUR and Reinvention for many years. Emma led the development, organisation and delivery of the joint World Congress on Undergraduate Research (WorldCUR/British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR), hosted by the University of Warwick in 2023, and was, together with the entire organising team, awarded a Warwick Wow for this work.
Emma has published work in Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (2024), Education and Information Technologies (2024), Expanding Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (2022), and The Cambridge Handbook of Undergraduate Research (2022).