Dr Simon Lancaster (UEA) - Going online to enhance face-to-face teaching
Wednesday 09 April 2014
MS.03, Zeeman Building, University of Warwick
Dr Simon Lancaster from the University of East Anglia will be visiting Warwick on 09 April 2014 to give a lecture titled 'Going online to enhance face-to-face teaching'.
Dr Lancaster was a Higher Education Award Winner in 2013 for his innovative use of technology to engage, challenge and enthuse students by blurring the boundaries between the lecture theatre and the internet. He was an early pioneer of lecture capture and led a programme to record the majority of first year undergraduate lectures. Building on these foundations, he founded Chemistry Vignettes as a platform for academics to host edited interactive screencasts available as open educational resources. He is currently exploring means to engage students as partners in producing vignette-like teaching resources funding by a Higher Education Academy grant. Combining screen casting with audience response technologies, Dr Lancaster has demonstrated a facile entry into the 'flipped' teaching mode, which is proving to be engaging for students and liberating for lecturers.
To register your attendance at this lecture please complete our online booking form at: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/iatl/news/dr_simon_lancaster/bookingform/
Tea and coffee will be provided on arrival.
Further information about Dr Simon Lancaster can be found at: http://www.uea.ac.uk/chemistry/people/profile/s-lancaster