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Registration form for workshop on Interdisciplinary Education

Please note this workshop is now full. Please feel free to register and we will add you to a waitlist and contact you if a space becomes available.

You are warmly invited to a workshop on Friday 7th June at 11am-2pm, focussing on interdisciplinary education

Solving modern problems requires an interdisciplinary approach, and universities should be training students to think and research with an interdisciplinary mindset, which requires the development of interdisciplinary teaching and learning. This workshop will be split into three parts

The first part, facilitated by Dr Adam Neal (Early Career Teaching Fellow, IATL), will focus on interdisciplinary assessment methods. We will discuss the of role Student-Devised Assessments as a form of interdisciplinary pedagogy and their role in making the curriculum a more inclusive and humanising experience for students.

The second part will be facilitated by Dr Juliet Raynsford (Assistant Prof, Education Studies), and will focus on student/staff co-production and the development of interdisciplinary projects, with an emphasis on sharing experience of interdisciplinary learning. She will be joined by two of her co-creators on interdisciplinary projects, Georgios Pazaitis and Pooria Tabesh Mehr.

The final part will be presented by Prof Jonathan Heron (IATL) on visualising interdisciplinary teaching and learning.

We will then enjoy a light lunch together.

This workshop will be interactive, and you will engage in teaching and learning activities. It will be of interest to anyone interested in education and pedagogical practice, including those who teach or who are planning to teach. However, no teaching experience is necessary, and the content will be suitable for both undergraduates, postgraduates and staff.

Facilitators: Adam Neal (Early Career Teaching Fellow, IATL), Prof Jonathan Heron (IATL) and Juliet Raynsford (Assistant Prof, Education Studies)

Date: Friday 7th June
Time: 11:00am-2:00pm
Where: R0.03, Ramphal building, University of Warwick

Please note that a maximum of 30 participants can attend.

Please submit this form to register. If you have any problems with population of this form please email to register.

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