Session A
Reconstructing the Past to Better Anticipate the Future: Tree-Rings Reveal a 500-year Record of Inflows into Tasmania's Great Lake Michael Goddard, Biological Sciences, Monash University
Population control in the reconstruction of society: A study of mass death in the Great Leap Forward and the Four Year Plan Ching Fung, Economics, University of Warwick
Using a knock out mouse line to investigate the pathogenesis of an autism syndrome Helen Whitley, Biomedical Science, University of Warwick
Session B
Greeks on the Knife Edge: An Evaluation of Graeco-Scythian Relations in the Ancient World Bradley Waters, Classics, University of Warwick
Vandal Loading on Footbridges Ian Poole, Civil Engineering, University of Warwick
Instabilities in Solar Coronal Mass Ejections Stephanie Yardley, Physics, University of Warwick
Session C
'I am all for putting new wine in old bottles, especially if the pressure of the new wine makes the old bottles explode' (Angela Carter). Angela Carter's transformation of traditional tales and motifs in The Bloody Chamber Catherine Moores, English literature, University of Warwick
Cover time of Random Walks on a polygon Jianjun Zhao, Statistics, University of Warwick
Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy Patterning of Epinephrine on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite Sze-Yin Tan, Chemistry, University of Warwick
Session D
Having problems with large classes? (Together, we can make a difference!) Rajapriyah Anmpalagan, Teaching English as a Secondary Language (TESL), University of Warwick
The contribution of benthic microalgae to an island lagoon's carbon budget and water chemistry Annabel Plumeridge, Biological Sciences, University of Warwick
A near-peer teacher development programme to build the confidence and competence of graduate-entry medical students to practice as teachers Michael Hale, Medicine, University of Warwick