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Your Idea, Your Research: How to pursue your Passion Project at Warwick IL040/IL140

Your idea, your research: How to pursue your passion project at Warwick

An IATL interdisciplinary module

Module Code

IL040 Level 5 (Intermediate)

IL140 Level 6 (Third year/Finalist)


Autumn Term

Thursday (10 am to 12 pm)



  • Reflective Journal
  • Interdisciplinary Research Project

What is the module about?

This dynamic module, new for 2024-25, introduces you to the field of research and will support you to explore and reimagine what interdisciplinary research looks like. It aims to give you the space to develop your own ‘passion project’. Whether you begin the module with an idea to develop or not, this module will help you acquire the skills, knowledge and network to produce an interdisciplinary research project on a topic and in a format of your choice. It is your opportunity to shape what it means to be an interdisciplinary student researcher, how research is (and can be) conducted and developed into an output, and who you are as an interdisciplinary researcher.

The module will enable you to become an active learner and co-creator of course content while developing your own lines of inquiry throughout the module with support from staff and students from different disciplinary backgrounds. You will be empowered to contribute to the shaping of the University’s research culture, further enhance your disciplinary excellence by exploring how your existing knowledge and experiences, add value to the interdisciplinary research landscape, and to become confident interdisciplinary researchers of the future.

What will the module cover?

You will collaboratively explore what you believe research is or should be and consider the broad spectrum of intentions when it comes to conducting interdisciplinary research – is it to create a new artefact, with enterprise in mind? To inform a particular sector or industry? To raise public awareness? To review existing scholarly work and highlight or address gaps? To develop a piece of art or music to perform or share? Maybe it’s something else?

On this module, we will facilitate reflection on power structures and knowledge hierarchies, utilising interdisciplinary skills of reflection, collaboration, critical thinking and dealing with uncertainty to reconsider what we mean by ‘research’, and how to conduct it. You will draw on your existing disciplinary knowledge, experience and expertise to produce an interdisciplinary project. The project will be developed over the course of 10 weeks by working collaboratively in multidisciplinary peer groups each week, engaging with guiding interdisciplinary research themes, and will be supported by Module Contributors to acquire different perspectives on a topic of your choosing. You will work together towards the production of an individual research project (i.e. a Student-Devised Assessment) that you could then carry forward within and beyond the university.

People in a meeting fist bumping

How will I be assessed?

1) Reflective Journal (30%)

The Reflective Journal (1500 words) will focus on your learning journey and your development as a Researcher, and will articulate and track your ideas, resources and experiences towards the production of your final Research Project.

2) Interdisciplinary Research Project (70%)

Your final research project will be on a topic, and in a medium/format, of your own choosing (i.e. a Student-Devised Assessment of 2500 words or equivalent). You will be encouraged to reflect on your academic, personal and/or professional aspirations, as well as the kind of impact you would like to have with your research project.

Curious to see examples of IATL assessment? See our Assessment ExhibitionLink opens in a new window

Learning Outcomes

See module catalogue:

Please select: IL040 Level 5 (Intermediate)

Please select IL140 Level 6 (Third year / Finalist) Link opens in a new window

How to register

Complete our online form to request your place.

Once IATL have confirmed you have been allocated a place, follow your home department's procedure to register.

Find out how this module relates to IATL strategy

Consider showcasing and celebrating your work. See our Assessment Exhibition Link opens in a new windowfor inspiration!