Student as Producer (Collaboration)
IATL's Student as Producer (Collaboration) funding is available to undergraduate and taught Masters students only. You may apply for up to £2000 for your project, although we welcome applications for smaller sums.
The key citerion for this funding stream is that projects must be collaborative and student led. We encourage you to consider the word 'collaboration' in a wide and innovative sense. Projects should always involve more than one Warwick student but you might also wish to work together with a wider interdisciplinary group of students, with members of staff, or with members of the local or international community.
Grants may be used for the following:
- Costs associated with any reasonable travel or subsistence which may be required by the project;
- Attendance at academic conferences relevant to the project;
- Costs associated with dissemination activities, e.g. printing, postage;
- Release of time from teaching, research or administrative duties (staff);
- Research or administrative assistance;Purchase of training and services;
- Purchase of consumable items.
Grants may not normally be used for:
- Normal costs associated with writing a dissertation (students);
- Payment for the time spent on the project;
- Normal costs of course delivery, as distinct from additional costs of innovation (staff);
- Equipment or ICT hardware/software;
- Institutional overheads, although the on-costs of salaries are allowed.
Application Deadlines:
- Midnight on Wednesday 27 June 2018
- Midnight on Wednesday 05 December 2018
Assessment criteria
We will assess applications using the following criteria:
Timescale: Is a detailed description of activity over the course of the project offered, with project 'milestones' noted, such as the planned dates of key events, travel, performances, and/or workshops?
Aims, Approaches and Activities: Are these clear and realistic? Is the design and method appropriate to the aims? Are research questions (if any) clearly framed? Are the planned activities detailed, including mention of other people to be involved? Is the project grounded in any of the existing relevant literature?
Outcomes and Dissemination: Are project outcomes clear, with appropriate plans for sharing and embedding insights learned? How are project insights to be shared within the institution and to the disciplinary community? Internal and external workshops, conference presentations, web-resources, publications?
Budget: Is a realistic and fully-costed budget provided?Compatibility with IATL's aims: To what degree does the project meet IATL's working principles?
You are welcome to discuss any aspect of your application with the IATL team. Please contact us at IATL at warwick dot ac dot uk.
Click on the link below to apply:
You are welcome to discuss any aspect of your application with the IATL team. Please contact us at:IATL at warwick dot ac dot uk
See also:
Frequently Asked Questions
Further information:
Selection Procedure
Each application recieved will be considered by an assessment panel made up of staff and students from across the university.
All IATL funding recipients will need to submit a final report on completion of their project. This can take the form of a written report (1500-2000 words), films, podcasts, reflective journals or other resources.
Once a project has been approved for funding a payment for 80% of the total amount raised. Remaining funds will be released on reciept of a satisfactory final report and statement of expenditure (fully supported by reciepts). We reserve the right to reclaim any funds which remain unspent by the end of the project.