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What is the REST trial?

REST is structured around elements of cognitive behavioural therapy for emotion regulation, as well as behavioural activation, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness, and other widely-used and proven practices for improving the ability to control emotions and reduce symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety.

This means that REST will help you to enhance your skills in understanding your emotions and the situations that can trigger them, the emotional and racing thought cycles that we can all get stuck in, and how to break those cycles. We will also help you to build resilience and provide practical advice and tools in dealing with stressful situations by teaching you ways to change your thinking styles to more positive ones and identify activities and behaviour that will lift your mood and help you to feel better.

What is involved and how long will it take to complete?

Completion of the REST materials is fully self-guided, we estimate this to take no more than one hour for each week of content.

REST materials will be provided online, with new content available for each week of the eight-week course.

As well as working through the materials provided, we will ask you to complete some questionnaires. These will be very similar to the ones you completed at the screening stage. We will use the results to see if taking part in the study has had an impact on how you're feeling, and how long that impact lasts. The questionnaires will be completed at the start, after the trial is completed, and again after a further two months have passed.

Sign up to take part