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Pre-Conference Workshop

Ahead of this year’s Midlands Graduate School Student Conference (19 June, University of Leicester), we’ll be holding a Pre-conference Workshop for 1+3 students currently completing a research training Masters programme. This will be an opportunity, ahead of the main conference, for MA students to consolidate their research training, share their PhD project plans and pick up tips on starting a PhD. We hope that all Midlands Graduate School MA students will attend the workshop and we’re asking all attendees to give a short (max 10 mins) presentation on their proposed PhD study.

The workshop includes lunch and dinner on 18 June and overnight accommodation in Leicester for those staying on for the main conference.


1pm Arrival and sandwich lunch

2pm Welcome

Professor Michael Hand, University of Birmingham

2.10pm Keynote presentation

In praise of theorising: why, when and how does theory make an appearance in social research?

Dr Michael Hammond, University of Warwick

3.10pm PhD Insider Secrets

3.50pm Tea and coffee

4.15pm Student presentations

6pm End

6.15pm Dinner in the Graduate Lounge

Tuesday 18 June

1pm - 6pm

University of Leicester

Feedback Form

We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to give us some feedback on the event so that we can look to incorporate it into the planning for next year’s event.