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Dr Aparna Ratheesh

Aparna Ratheesh

Dr Aparna Ratheesh
University of Warwick
Contact Details

Link to staff profile / lab pageLink opens in a new window

In three words or phrases how would you describe your supervision style?

Outcome-oriented, Supportive, Collaborative

In one or two sentences please describe your strategies regarding the following.
Provision of training:

I will personally train you in lab techniques and guide you through literature in the field through journal clubs and lab meetings in the first year and expect that this support allows you to evolve to be more independent in the future.

Progression monitoring and management:

I like to be kept up to date, and will expect to see evidence of method development/data generation results on a weekly/monthly basis.


My team communicates through emails, WhatsApp group chats and spontaneous meetings during the week and weekends and everyone tries to maintain a healthy work life balance.

How often do your PhD students see you in a timetabled group meeting?

At least once per fortnight

In year 1 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

At least once per fortnight

In year 2 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

At least once per fortnight

In year 3 of PhD study, how often do your PhD students have a scheduled >30 minute 1:1 meeting with you?

At least once per fortnight

What form do your 1:1 meetings with PhD students take?

Face to face (if allowed under current health and safety advice)

Open door policy?

Yes, I am usually contactable for an instant response (if required) on every working day.

My expectation of PhD student working patterns?

Certain tasks in my lab need to occur at set times, and students need to be able to commit to a rota/timetable shared with other members of the team.

Notice for feedback (e.g. on reports, manuscript drafts, thesis chapters)?

I need at least 1 week’s notice to provide feedback on written work of up to 5000 words.