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Dr Christopher Rodrigues

Supervisor Details

Christopher Rodrigues

Contact Details

Dr Christopher Rodrigues

School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick


Research Interests

Research in the Rodrigues lab is focused on understanding how bacteria develop into one of the toughest cell types on Earth - Spores. Spores are dormant, highly-resistant cells that allow bacteria to survive starvation stress and persist in the environment. Spores are inert to antibiotics and resist common sterilisation methods that kill actively growing bacteria. In the right conditions, spores germinate and generate new populations of bacteria. Some spore-forming bacteria cause recurrent disease in humans, animals and insects, and contaminate food sources.

The Rodrigues lab is interested in the molecular processes that underlie the process of how bacteria develop into spores, with the goal of providing knowledge that can fuel the development of new strategies aimed at interfering with this process and propel new technologies that utilize spores.

Scientific Inspiration

I draw inspiration from the various mentors I have had throughout my career. Becoming a scientist is a journey and it is important to have inspiring mentors that can support and inspire you.

Project Details

Dr Christopher Rodrigues is supervising no projects this year.