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Plasma membrane organisation in tissue formation and patterning
Secondary Supervisor(s): Dr Darius Koester
University of Registration: University of Warwick
BBSRC Strategic Research Priority:
- Understanding the Rules of Life (Neuroscience and Behaviour, Systems Biology)
- Integrated Understanding of Health (Regenerative Biology)
Project Outline
What is the role of plasma membrane organisation in tissue formation and patterning?
Tissue development and patterning rely on an intricate interplay of cellular interactions, gene regulatory networks, morphogens, and environmental/mechanical cues. At the heart of these interactions is the plasma membrane, a dynamic structure that acts as both a physical boundary and a critical hub for signalling. Despite its importance, how plasma membrane organization such as lipid packing, fluidity, and spatial heterogeneity contributes to or even controls tissue development by modulating receptor interactions remains poorly understood.
The optically transparent zebrafish embryo offers an ideal model organism for real-time quantification of the molecular mechanisms involved in morphogenesis. The zebrafish hindbrain, with its rapid and dramatic morphological changes during development, offers an excellent system for exploring this question.
In the first part of the project, we will investigate the role of plasma membrane organisation in hindbrain development using an array of microscopy approaches. We will exploit biosensors and so-called smart probes to not only label the membrane but also report on its local structure (solvatochromism). While such measurements are well-established in vitro, translating these to the full physiological context of an intact tissue in the developing zebrafish hindbrain will provide unprecedented insights into the physiological relevance of membrane biophysics in developmental contexts. Initial objectives will be optimization of labelling, establishing microscopy and image analysis, and correlating plasma membrane heterogeneities with tissue mechanics.
In the second part of the project, we will investigate Eph-Ephrin receptor organisation and signalling in hindbrain development. Expression of these transmembrane and membrane-anchored receptors is believed to provide cells with positional information within the tissue. Eph-Ephrin reorganisation and clustering at the membrane have been proposed to play a key role in signalling, yet their functional consequences in vivo remain unclear. Initial objectives include establishing Eph/Ephrin reporter zebrafish lines, optimizing fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy to assess receptor organization, and correlating local membrane structure with Eph-Ephrin dynamics.
We will augment these in vivo experiments by in vitro reconstitution of the key components using model membrane systems (Köster Lab). This will allow us to compare Eph-Ephrin clustering in vitro and in vivo to elucidate functional consequence of this process and to investigate the role of mechanical inputs on their interaction. Finally, we will adopt a synthetic biology approach and create artificial cells which will be embedded within the hindbrain tissue to study membrane and receptor organisation in a hybrid system.
This interdisciplinary project will fundamentally advance our understanding of how plasma membrane organisation influences tissue development and further our understanding of the rules of life. Implications extend beyond developmental biology to fields such as synthetic biology, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. This project will be a team effort and is ideally suited for either trained biologists aiming to further their quantitative imaging skills or for physicists/engineers aiming to start a journey in the physics of life.
Schneider, F., Cespedes, P.F., Karedla, N. et al. Quantifying biomolecular organisation in membranes with brightness-transit statistics. Nat Commun 15, 7082 (2024).
Owen DM, Magenau A, Majumdar A, Gaus K. Imaging membrane lipid order in whole, living vertebrate organisms. Biophys J 99(1):L7-9 (2010).