Reading List
Weekly readings refer to the list below.
Fielding N., M. Lee R. and Blank G. (eds) 2008. The Sage handbook of online research methods. Sage
Gitelman L. (ed) 2013. Raw Data' Is An Oxymoron, MIT Press. [online at the library]
Holstein J.A. and G. Miller (eds.) 1993. Reconsidering Social Constructionism: debates in social problems theory, New York: Aldine de Gruyter
Rogers R. 2013. Digital methods. The MIT Press Downloaded
Sturgis P. 2008. ‘Designing samples’. In Gilbert, N. (ed) Researching Social Life (3rd edition). London: Sage.
Blair E., Sudman S., Bradburn N.-M., Stocking C. 1977. How to ask questions about drinking and sex: response effects in measuring consumer behavior. Journal of Marketing Research 14: 316–21
Bradburn N.M. and Sudman S. 2004. Asking questions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Bryman A. 2012. Social Research Methods, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press
Belson W. A. 1981. The Design and Understanding of Survey Questions. Aldershot, Engl.: Gower
Converse J.-M. and Presser S. 1986. Survey Questions: Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage
De Leeuw E.D., Hox J.J. and Dillman D.A. (eds) 2008. International Handbook of Survey Methodology. Hove: Psychology Press
De Vaus D. 2001. Social Surveys in Social Research. London: Sage
Hill C. A., Dean E. and Murphy J. (eds) 2014. Social media, sociality, and survey research. Wiley & Sons
Jiang Q. 2013. Internet addiction among young people in China. Internet connectedness, online gaming, and academic performance decrement. Internet Research 24 (1): 2-20
Lee Raymond M. 1993. Doing research on sensitive topics. London: Sage, chapters 5-6
Oppenheim A. 1992. Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude Measurement. New York: Basic Books.
Payne S. L. 1951. The Art of Asking Questions. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Sanders D., Clarke H. D., Stewart M. C. and Whiteley P. 2007. "Does Mode Matter For Modeling Political Choice? Evidence From the 2005 British Election Study." Political Analysis 15: 257-285
Schaeffer N. C. and Presser S. 2003. "The Science of Asking Questions." Annual Review of Sociology 29: 65-88
Secondary data
Bulmer M. et al. (eds) 2009. The Secondary Analysis of Survey Data (4 vols). London: Sage.
Dale A. et al. 2008. ‘Secondary Analysis of Quantitative Data Sources’. In Alasuutari, P. et al. (eds) The Sage Handbook of Social Research Methods. London: Sage. H62.S2758
Rose D. (ed.) 2000. Researching Social and Economic Change: the Uses of Household Panel Studies. London: Routledge.
Thelwall M. (2009). Introduction to webometrics: Quantitative web research for the social sciences. San Rafael, CA: Morgan and Claypool (Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services, 2009, Vol. 1, No. 1).
Big data and social media
Bollier D. 2010. The promise and peril of big data, Washington, DC: The Aspen Institute. Available at: les/content/docs/pubs/The_Promise_ and_Peril_of_Big_Data.pdf
Boyd D. and K. Crawford. 2012. “Critical Questions for Big Data: Provocations for a Cultural, Technological, and Scholarly Phenomenon.” Information, Communication, & Society 15 (5): 662-679
Crawford K. 2013. "The Hidden Biases in Big Data", Haward Business Review. Available at
Kitchin R. 2014. Data revolution : big data, open data, data infrastructures and their consequences. Londres: Sage
Pentland A. 2012. "Reinventing Society in The Wake of Big Data", Edge. Available at
Thelwall M., Sud P. and Vis F. 2012. Commenting on YouTube videos: From Guatemalan rock to El Big Bang. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63 (3): 616–629
Wilkinson D. & Thelwall M. (in press). Trending Twitter topics in English: An international comparison. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.
Weekly Reading
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Term 2 Week 10