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News and Events

New Publication from Professor Tak Wing Chan

Prof Tak Wing Chan and Professor John Ermisch have had an article published in the Population Studies Journal. The article entitled Residential proximity of parents and their adult offspring in the United Kingdom, 2009–10 can be found in Population Studies, 2015, Vol. 69, No. 3, 355–372.

Wed 02 Dec 2015, 14:52

Public Lecture: Visualising Big Data To Inform Government Policy

Warwick Q-Step Centre is working together with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM), to host an event introducing the new Joint Warwick/UNDP Initiative on Climate Change Adaption in Cabo Verde.

For further details and to register please go to:

Fri 23 Oct 2015, 16:37

Preventing and Tackling School Bullying

Dr Stella Chatzitheochari will be chairing an event on Preventing and Tackling School Bullying, hosted by Inside Government. The event is aimed at School teachers and practitioners and will take place on Thursday 10th December 2015 in Central London. Further information about the event can be found on the Inside Government website

Wed 14 Oct 2015, 09:54

Time Use in Britain Event

Dr Stella Chatzitheochari will be speaking at an event on Time Use in Britain. The event is being hosted by the Centre for Time Use Research and will take place on 9/10 November 2015 at St Hugh’s College, Oxford.

The event is free but registration is required. For further information and to register please visit

Fri 09 Oct 2015, 16:33

Dr Stella Chatzitheochari to Speak at the Disabled Children Conference 2015

Disabled Children Conference 2015: Promoting and Empowering the Rights of Disabled Children and Young People - Children in Wales takes place on 11 November 2015 in Cardiff. Q-Step team member, Dr Stella Chatzitheochari, is one of six speakers confirmed so far. She will be speaking about the Trajectories and Transitions of Disabled Children and Young People, an 18 month research study which looked into the outcomes for disabled children and young people in England. For further information about the conference and to book a place, please visit:

Mon 28 Sept 2015, 12:07

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