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Dr Stella Chatzitheochari Lead Author on New Methodological Working Paper in the UCL/CLS Series

Q-Step team member, Dr Stella Chatzitheochari has recently co-authored a new working paper in the UCL/CLS series; Measuring young people’s time-use in the UK Millennium Cohort Study: A mixed-mode time diary approach. For further details and to download the full paper please visit:

Mon 28 Sept 2015, 11:33

New Project on Using Innovative Visualisation Technology to Help Climate Change Initiatives

Dr Emma Uprichard, Co-Director of the Warwick Q-Step Centre, is the Warwick University lead on a new project run in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme

Click on the heading link to see the full University press release or visit

Fri 04 Sept 2015, 15:12

Vizipedia – Data Visualisation Resource

Vizipedia is a data visualisation library created by and for the community and an excellent resource for data analysts.



Data Visualizations are pictures of data. With the world's information doubling every two years, understanding large data sets to create meaning is more important than ever. Standalone sets of individual data points can appear meaningless. But data visualizations can turn data points into graphical representations and imagery that can produce insightful knowledge from data and bring to the forefront answers to key questions or patterns


Wed 08 Jul 2015, 11:41

Count Us in: Quantitative Skills for the New Generation

A new report from the British Academy offers a vision of how the UK can rise to the potentially transformational challenge of becoming a data-literate nation.

To view the assoicated video or read/download the report please click on the news item header link or visit the Brtish Academy web page:

Join the debate on Twitter with #BACountUsIn and follow @Britac_News.

Mon 29 Jun 2015, 11:34

The scarring effects of childhood bullying: Evidence from the UK’s longitudinal studies

Warwick Q-Step Team member, Dr Stella Chatzitheochari, to speak at CLS Seminar in November 2015.

Tue 23 Jun 2015, 14:18

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