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Tissue Image Analytics (TIA) Centre

Tissue Image Analytics (TIA) Centre

Research Focus

Welcome to the Tissue Image Analytics (TIA) Centre, based in the Computer Science department at the University of Warwick. Current research in the TIA centre is focussed on the application of image analysis and machine learning algorithms in order to further our understanding of the biology and entangled histological patterns of complex diseases such as cancer. We strive to be a hub of research excellence in the area of computational pathology and associated research areas, in order to tackle grand challenges in cancer diagnostics and treatment with a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and to make positive impact on the lives of cancer patients. Our research thrives on a growing network of collaborations with the academia, NHS hospitals and industry.

Featured News

Warwick spinout to revolutionise AI for cellular pathology

The University of Warwick announces the signing of a spinout agreement with Histofy to commercialise cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) tools for pathology.

Using artificial intelligence, the technology will analyse tissue samples from people with suspected cancer and accelerate diagnosis by functioning even when the pathologist is unavailable.

TIA Centre You Tube Channel

Watch expert talks, AI-driven histology analysis, and cutting-edge research in computational pathology. Our videos include TIA Centre Seminars and past conferences, highlighting breakthroughs in computational pathology and beyond, whilst featuring insights from our multidisciplinary team and other experts across academia, the NHS, and industry.

Crunching cancer, bit by bit

Research at the Tissue Image Analytics Centre is focussed on developing AI and machine learning based algorithms for early detection and personalised treatment of cancer as well as for furthering our understanding of cancer biology.

MSI heatmap