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Chemistry ChemIntra


You should be able to find what you're looking for in the Chemistry A to Z which links to Chemintra and to other useful resources around the University. If you wish to add an entry or find a broken link please contact Areas of Chemintra are restricted. If you're denied access to content that believe you should have access to then please contact

ChemIntra Zones


Chemistry Staff Feedback

Emergency Number

In an emergency on campus dial 22222 then inform University of Warwick Community Safety on 024 7652 2083 (x22083) as soon as possible

Out-of Hours Sign-In

The sign-in books have moved online. If you are in the buildings outside core hours (8 am to 7 pm) you now need to record your presence in any Chemistry buildings via the new Sign-In Form.  Please remember to sign out again once you are finished.

Incident Reporting

Please report any accidents and near misses

Public Liability Insurance

Public and Products Liability

CertificateLink opens in a new window

Useful Phone Numbers

Community Safety x22083
Estates Maintenance Hotline x75100