You should be able to find what you're looking for in the Chemistry A to Z which links to Chemintra and to other useful resources around the University. If you wish to add an entry or find a broken link please contact Areas of Chemintra are restricted. If you're denied access to content that believe you should have access to then please contact
ChemIntra Zones
- Academic ProcessesLink opens in a new window - Promotion & Probation
- Academic Technology
- Wellbeing and Diversity
- CommunicationsLink opens in a new window
- Events
- Governance and Committees
- Health and Safety
- Health and Safety Induction
- HR & Admin SupportLink opens in a new window
- IT Equipment and SupportLink opens in a new window
- Undergraduate Study
- Graduate Study
- Research
- Staff Survey - Chemistry ResultsLink opens in a new window
- STEM Grand Challenge
- HR issues:
- PA to HoD:
- Anything you are confused about:
Chemistry Staff Feedback
Emergency Number
In an emergency on campus dial 22222 then inform University of Warwick Community Safety on 024 7652 2083 (x22083) as soon as possible
Out-of Hours Sign-In
The sign-in books have moved online. If you are in the buildings outside core hours (8 am to 7 pm) you now need to record your presence in any Chemistry buildings via the new Sign-In Form. Please remember to sign out again once you are finished.
Incident Reporting
Please report any accidents and near misses
Public Liability Insurance
CertificateLink opens in a new window
Useful Phone Numbers
Community Safety x22083
Estates Maintenance Hotline x75100