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Emma Gilroy

Personal History

I am a fourth year PhD student working in the Biophysical and Analytical Chemistry department here at the University of Warwick. I completed my undergraduate studies at Keele University gaining my qualification as a Masters in Chemistry in Chemistry with Biochemistry. This means that I spent the first and second years studying both Chemistry and Biochemistry as a dual honours degree, which has led to a broad knowledge of both subjects.

I spent the third year of my undergraduate study working in industry alongside a full university year. I worked at Sanofi-aventis in the raw materials and componentry section of the analytical technology department. I found this year very rewarding and learnt about how industry works and the important processes that should be followed, such as good laboratory practice. During this year, I was also fortunate enough to be sent on a BS6001 sampling course, which helped me understand the reasons behind the testing we were conducting.

My fourth year back at Keele University was highly research orientated. My research project was in organic chemistry; trying to find the optimal route of synthesis between the starting product of a newly found epoxidised plant oil and a final structure that was believed to have fugicidal properties.

Current Research Interests in Brief

My PhD aims are to find medical applications for linear dichroism (LD).

I am currently working on using LD to explore DNA and what we can find out about it using this technique. The medical applications that will be explored are related to genetic testing, which requires an understanding of how DNA is measured using LD.

During my PhD I have spent time learning about genetic testing whilst at the Molecular Genetics department of Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge. I have also been fortunate enough to be able to utilise synchrotron radiation for the collection of LD data using the ASTRID synchrotron at Aarhus University in Denmark.

For more detail on my current research please see the research section of this webpage, alternatively email me using the contact me form.

DNA Image taken from

A picture of me.

Emma Gilroy

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