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Principal Investigator


Józef R. Lewandowski

J dot R dot Lewandowski at warwick dot ac dot uk

Tel (office): +44 24761 51355





Current PhD students



Jack Drant

Co-supervisors: Tran Pham (GSK)

Topic: Protein aggregation


Jairah Lubay


Steven Brown

Topic: SSNMR method development


Chris Trembath


Stephanie Brookes (AZ), Les Hughes (AZ)


Liam Medlin

Co-supervisors: Steven Brown

Tran Pham (GSK)

Topic: Stability of pharmaceuticals


Todd Davey


Stephanie Brookes (AZ), Les Hughes (AZ)




Koorosh Fatemian

K.A.Fatemian @


Chris Dowson

Topic: Structural biology & AM


James Duncan


with Prof. G. Challis

Topic: Structural biology of polyketide synthases

   Arun  Arun Gupta


with Prof. G. Challis

Topic: Structural biology of polyketide synthases





Daniel Cheney (2016), Chris Cousins (2015)


2021: Darius Rodriguez; Thesis: Elucidating Substrate Specificity in the Bamb_5915 Condensation Domain; Project involved Amber MD simulations to understand interactions governing substrate specificity of a condensation enzyme in order to guide enzyme engineering efforts.

2020: Jamie Rolinski (co-supervised by Stefan Bon)

2019: Ferenkeh Marah

2019: Henry Smith

2018: Reece Lord

2017: Chris Cousins

2017: Faaria Iqbal

2017: Helen Smith ;

2016: Jonah Trenouth (2016; paper including Jonah's work was published here);

2015: Evelyn McGrath; Thesis: "Using variable temperature solid-state NMR to investigate site-specific relaxation and the energy landscape of protein GB1"

DTC mini-projects

Nelli Chourmouziadi Laleni (2018; MIBTP); Jake Carter (2018; co-supervised by Dave Roper; MRC CDT); Helen Smith (2018; co-supervised by Matt Jenner; MRC CDT); Rhiannon Brooks (2016; collaboration with AstraZeneca; co-supervised by Elisabetta Chiarparin and Amber Balazs; MASCDT), Ruben Tomas (2016; collaboration with Bruker; co-supervised by Peter Gierth; MASCDT), James Teahan (2015; MASCDT); Richard Gibson (2014; MOAC); Daniel Griffiths (2013; MOAC); Matthew Lougher (2012; MOAC)


2017 Ramón Sanchez (collaboration with Pfizer; co-supervised by James Heaton and Melissa Hanna-Brown); 2016 Georgina Charlton (MSc); 2014 Rebecca Stevens (MSc); 2013 Azzedine Dabo (MSc; co-supervised with Melissa Hanna-Brown); 2013 Amar Dhokia (MSc; co-supervised with Matt Gibson); 2012 Hasan Alkassem (MSc).


2022 Ben Tatman (Co-supervisor: Steven Brown). First job after PhD: Higher Scientist at National Physical Laboratory.

2022 Jacqueline Tognetti (Co-supervisor: Steven Brown) Moved to a postdoc in Martin Blackledge group.

2022 Helen Smith (Co-supervisor: Matt Jenner and Greg Challis)

2021 Koorosh Fatemian (Co-supervisor: Chris Dowson)

2021 Matthew Beech (Co-supervisor: Greg Challis)

2020 Sarah Mann (Co-supervisor: Steven Brown, Tran Pham (GSK))

2020 Alma Svatos - ERC PhD, PhD Thesis: Currently working for .

2019 Azzedine Dabo - iCASE PhD with Pfizer (Co-supervisor: Melissa Hanna-Brown), PhD Thesis: High Resolution NMR Based Approaches For Facilitating Chromatography Developments. Currently working for Johnson Matthey.

2018 Richard Gibson - MOAC PhD (Co-supervisor: Greg Challis), PhD Thesis: Biochemical and Biophysical Characterisation of the Quartromicin Polyketide Synthase

2018 Becky Stevens - DTG PhD, PhD Thesis: The Development of Solid-state NMR Methodology to Study the Dynamics of Proteins and Ice. Currently working for Ioniqa in the Netherlands.

2017 Carl Öster - EU CASiDP PhD, PhD Thesis: Investigating interactions using solid-state NMR: applications to biomolecular complexes; Currently postdoc in Adam Lange's group.

2016 Daniel Griffiths - MOAC PhD (Co-supervisor: Greg Challis), PhD Thesis: Communication-mediated biosynthesis of antibiotics enacyloxin and vibroxin;

2015 Jonathan Lamley - DTG PhD, PhD Thesis: Methods for the Determination of the Structures and Dynamics of Proteins by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy; Currently works in areospace industry.

2015 Muhammad Hasan - MOAC PhD (Co-supervisors: Ann Dixon, Steven Brown), PhD Thesis: A Biophysical Study into the Structure and Interactions of the Transmembrane Domains of Neu and PDGF Receptor Tyrosine Kinases; Currently postdoc in Matt Gibson group.

2015 Matthew Lougher - MOAC PhD (Co-supervisors:Christophe Corre, Daniel Mitchell), PhD Thesis: Functional and Structural Insights into MmyJ, An ArsR-Like Transcriptional Repressor; Currently works as a lab manager at UCL.


Shanshan Zhou

201X-2021 Trent Franks

2015-2020 Angelo Gallo

2018-2019 Ingrid Edwards

2015-2018 Simone Kosol

2015-2017 Sławomir Potocki - Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow - currently working at the Univ. of Wrocław

2013 Emilio Jimenez-Roldan (postdoctoral fellow) - currently working in University of Warwick Physics Department outreach programme