Professor Peter Scott BSc(Hons), DPhil, DSc, CChem, FRSC
Peter is Director of Warwick’s Institute of Advanced Study (2017-) alongside a number of other positions, and holds a Royal Society Industry Fellowship (2018-). He is founder and scientific director of the Warwick spin-out Interface Polymers Ltd. Graduating in Applied Chemistry (Salford), DPhil in Chemistry (Oxford, 1991) he took a Royal Society European Research Fellowship to work at Universität Konstanz, Germany, then a Ramsay Memorial Fellowship to Sussex University, UK. Moving to Warwick in 1997 he was promoted to Professor in 2004 and awarded DSc in 2008. He leads collaborative interdisciplinary research in two areas: the discovery of self-assembling molecules as antimicrobials and cancer medicines, and on the design of interfacially-active polyolefin materials with industrial partners. Photos
- 1st Class BSc (Hons) in Applied Chemistry, research with John L Spencer, University of Salford UK, 1988
- DPhil thesis "Cycloheptatriene and -enyl Derivatives of Niobium” with Malcolm LH Green, Oxford UK, 1991
- Post-doc with Hans-H Brintzinger, Universität Konstanz, Germany, 1992
- Post-doc and F Geoffrey N Cloke, University of Sussex UK, 1993
- Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Sussex, UK 1993-7
- Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Reader in Chemistry, University of Warwick, UK 1997-2003
- Professor of Chemistry, University of Warwick, 2004-
- Founder & Scientific Director, Interface Polymers LtdLink opens in a new window 2016-
- Director, Institute of Advanced Study, Warwick 2017-
- Royal Society Industry FellowLink opens in a new window 2017-
Awards, Honours, External Positions
- Royal Society European Research Fellow 1992
- Ramsay Fellow 1993-1995
- McCamley Awards for Excellence in Teaching (Warwick) 1998 and 2007
- Andrew McCamley Memorial Lecturer, York 2001
- Tetrahedron Asymmetry Most Cited Paper Award 2003-6
- External Examiner for Inorganic Chemistry, Leicester University 2004-10
- Editorial Board, Dalton Transactions 2008-11
- Dalton Council member 2008-11
- Doctor of Science, University of Warwick 2008
- Director - Warwick Knowledge Transfer Secondments 2009-
- External Examiner for Inorganic Chemistry, Bath University 2009-12
- Editorial & Advisory Board - ChemSpider 2010-
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
- RSC Dalton Discussions Steering Group Chair 2011-14
- Bristol Chemical Synthesis DTC Steering group 2011-
- External Examiner for Inorganic Chemistry, Loughborough University 2011-15
- External Examiner for Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University 2012-16
- Chair - National Chemical Database Service Advisory Board 2013 - 17
- RSC Emerging Technologies Competition Prize 2016
- External Examiner for Inorganic Chemistry, Durham University 2017-
- Board of Trustees, NMiTE 2017-
- Royal Society Industry Fellow 2018-
- Royal Society Newton International Fellowships Committee: Physical Sciences Panel 2020-