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Professor Sascha Ott - Alumni and PhD Graduates

Dr Zoi Ioannidou, MIBTP, PhD student until November 2024, joint supervision with Dr Délara Sabéran-Djoneidi (Paris) and Dr Andrew Nelson
PhD thesis title: "Neuroinflammatory stress response in OPCs and microglia at the transcriptomic and epigenomic level"

Dr Huda Moh-Khoridatul, MathSys CDT, PhD student until September 2023, joint supervision with Dr Julia Brettschneider
PhD thesis title: "Statistical Integration of scRNA-seq and Spatial Transcriptomics Data"

Dr Pavle Vrljicak, post-doctoral research fellow on Wellcome Trust project on endometrial remodelling

Dr Alex Haigh, MRC DTP, PhD student until September 2022, joint supervision with Prof. Jan Brosens
PhD thesis title: "Multi-omic Exploration of the Human Endometrium"

Dr Hannah Bridgewater, PhD student until December 2019, joint supervision with Prof. Lawrence Young, Prof. Peter Sadler, and Dr Keith Leppard
PhD thesis title: "Investigating the anti-cancer activity of novel osmium-arene compounds using CRISPR screening technology"
Hannah was awarded the School of Life Sciences thesis prize.

Dr Julia Lipecki, MIBTP PhD student until September 2019, second supervisor Prof. Jan Brosens
PhD thesis title: "Computational Approaches for Determination of Transcriptomic and Epigenomic States"

Dr Pól Ó Catnaigh, SBDTC PhD student until September 2016, joint supervision with Dr Emma Anderson
PhD thesis title: "An investigation into the RNA-binding protein UNR and its interactors"

Dr Krzysztof Polanski, SBDTC PhD student until September 2015, joint supervision with Dr Katherine Denby
PhD thesis title: "Finding Network Modules and Motifs Regulating Plant Stress Responses: Integration and Modelling across Multiple Data Sets"

Dr Laura Baxter, post-doctoral research fellow on PRESTA project, Fusarium HAPI project, and AmpseqUr project

Dr Jason Piper, SBDTC PhD student until September 2014, joint supervision with Prof. Constanze Bonifer (Birmingham University)
PhD thesis title: "The demarcation of transcription factor binding sites through the analysis of DNase-seq data"
Jason was jointly awarded the Systems Biology thesis award 2015 for this work.

Dr Peter Krusche, post-doctoral research fellow until September 2013, C5Sys project

Dr Boris Noyvert, post-doctoral research fellow until March 2012, NF-κB SABR project

Dr Howard Lightfoot, MOAC PhD student until January 2012, joint supervision with Dr Gyanendra Tripathi
PhD thesis title: "Methods for Identifying Members of Transcriptional Regulatory Protein Complexes"

Dr Richard Hickman, SBDTC PhD student until December 2011, joint supervision with Prof. Vicky Buchanan-Wollaston
PhD thesis title: "Transcriptional Regulatory Codes Underlying Arabidopsis Stress Responses"

Dr Nigel Dyer, MOAC PhD student until September 2011, joint supervision with Prof. Jim Beynon
PhD thesis title: "Informative Sequence-based Models for Fragment Distributions in ChIP-seq, RNA-seq and ChIP-chip data"


Dr Emma Picot, SBDTC PhD student until January 2011, joint supervision with Dr Isabelle Carré
PhD thesis title: "Conserved Promoter Motifs Mediating Temporal Expression in the Plant Circadian Clock"

Dr Hashem Koohy, MOAC PhD student until September 2010, joint supervision with Prof. Georgy Koentges
PhD thesis title: "Computational Prediction of Functional Similarity of CRMs"