Research at the BMEI
Given the nature of Biomedical Engineering we work both within specific application areas as well as in research in developing a series of cross-cutting capabilities.
Particularly our work deals with:
Biomedical Devices, Sensors and Sensing technologies
Biomedical Systems Modelling and Synthetic Biology
Biomedical Signal Processing
Biomedical Imaging & Nanotechnology
Cellular and Medical Biomechanics
We also have eight well-equipped labs that we use to conduct this research (as well as access to a number of other general engineering laboratories within the School of Engineering).
We have been funded through EPSRC, BBSRC, MRC, and EU, as well as many other sources such as charities and Industry (especial from Pharma companies).
We undertake our research in conjunction with collaborators across the university, within different departments and both nationally and internationally. We have a strong contingent of post-doctoral research fellows and PhD students undertaking funded research in these areas. We also supervise both MSc and Undergraduate individual and group projects around specific areas in our portfolio.