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Level 2 Modules

ES2F7 Mechatronics and System Control (15 Credits)

Module overviewLink opens in a new window | Moodle 24/25Link opens in a new window | 23/24Link opens in a new window | | 

ES2G2 Electromechanical System Design and Control (15 Credits)

Module overviewLink opens in a new window | Moodle 24/25Link opens in a new window | 23/24Link opens in a new window | | 

Modern Foreign Language (MFL) Options

Language courses are useful to all engineers who may find themselves working in different countries or with engineers from other countries when companies form international partnerships. Language modules are also good preparation if you are considering an exchange with another university during your degree, under for example the Erasmus scheme.

MFL modules are offered by the Department of Italian and more generally through the Language Centre. Modules exist for 15, 24 credits. Any module larger than 15 credits will result in a student taking more than the required load in Year 2 and the student should expect to put in the corresponding level of additional study effort. MFL's are not an easy option and any student taking one such a module must be prepared to attend the sessions fully throughout the year. The number and variety of language modules means that the School cannot gurantee a clash free timetable and where clashes occur the student will be expected to manage their studies to catch up on missed lectures etc.. Students wishing to take a language must discuss with the providing department which modules are suitable for their current level of attainment. Language options must be registered with both the Language Centre/Department of Italian and the School of Engineering. NOTE: If you register with one and not the other you may find that you do not satisfy the requirements of the course.

Languages may require students to complete an unusual options form.

ES2xx modules are at FHEQ Level 5