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18th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists

18th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists

Dear Esteemed Attendees,

On behalf of the organising committee, I extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your participation in ICWES18, the International Conference for Women Engineers and Scientists. Held virtually from September 1st to 3rd, 2021, ICWES18 was a resounding success, bringing together female engineers and scientists from around the globe to explore and discuss the critical theme of Global Humanitarian Challenges.

Established in 1964, ICWES has been the flagship event of the International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists, hosted every three years. This year, the University of Warwick and INWES proudly hosted ICWES18 online, offering a dynamic program, impactful networking opportunities, and engaging sessions on emerging topics within our conference theme.

Despite the challenges posed by the virtual format, ICWES18 showcased the best of online collaboration, allowing us to connect and reflect with colleagues worldwide. We are immensely grateful for your active participation, insightful contributions, and unwavering support, which made ICWES18 a truly memorable and enriching experience.

As we move forward, please know that your feedback and suggestions are invaluable to us. Should you have any inquiries or requests related to ICWES18, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

Once again, thank you for your invaluable contributions to ICWES18. We look forward to welcoming you again in the near future.

Warm regards,

Professor Georgia Kremmyda

Conference Chair, ICWES18

Key information

Access our conference recordings hereLink opens in a new window

Access our photo gallery hereLink opens in a new window

Contact us ICWES18 at warwick dot ac dot uk  |  Follow @INWES_Global  |  Find out more about INWES  |  Join the conversation #ICWES18

Organised by:

University of Warwick
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Supported by:

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Gold Sponsor

National Grid ESO Logo
Silver Sponsor

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Bronze Sponsor

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