Departmental Facilities and General Information
The main front doors are open between 8 am - 8 pm (Monday-Friday). Staff and students can enter the Department on any floor by using their ID card (at any time including evenings and weekends). The main door to the Department on the ground and third floor will be open access from 8 am - 6:00 pm. Lifts are available for all floors. Students should not let anyone into the building out of hours. Those who have authorised access will have a card. If you stay in the building until after 7 pm and have forgotten your card you can still exit by pushing the press-to-exit button next to the doors. If you require access to the Statistics Department please contact them directly.
There are cycle racks outside the building for your bike, please do NOT bring bicycles into the building. A good lock is a necessity.
The postgraduate access rooms are A0.01 and B2.04. You will need to use your student ID card to enter these rooms. Taught postgrads using A0.01 may print to B0.04 without using the printer credit system.
PhD students are assigned a workspace (with desk, lockable cupboard and shelving) for their registration period. Workspace availability is limited and there is little scope for changing desks. Please do not move to another desk without consulting the Postgraduate Coordinator. Keys for the cupboards are available from the General Office in return for a deposit of £10 (returnable when you leave). Please keep the area around your desk tidy and safe.
Masters level students should use the library and computing rooms B204 and B138.
Report faults in your room (radiator or lights not working, broken furniture etc) or problems with teaching equipment to the General Office (B0.01). Serious faults out of hours (power or door locking failures) should be reported to the main Security Lodge (22083).
The University is not insured for theft of, or damage to, your personal property while you are on University premises so if you bring a personal (i.e. owned by you) laptop with you, you should take out insurance for it. The University is insured for accidental personal injury to staff, students and visitors while they are on University premises, but only where the accident was due to fault on the University’s part. Postgraduate students are not automatically covered by the University's travel insurance. Please check with the Finance and Research Grants Coordinator in advance of travel. Contact the Finance office for an insurance card and a copy of the form (which must be completed and submitted at least two weeks in advance of travel).
The Mathematics Institute Library is located on the first floor. Access is also possible on the second floor from the balcony of the Common Room. You will need to use your card to access the library. Please see
The copiers are located in B0.04 (access code is available from the Undergraduate Office). The code for the copiers can be obtained from the Undergraduate or Postgraduate Offices. Any problems should be reported to the Undergraduate Office.
Pigeon Holes
Postgraduate pigeon holes are located on the first floor, adjacent to the MRC. They are grouped by course and alphabetically. If you cannot find your pigeon hole please ask the Postgraduate Secretary in B0.08 for assistance.
Showers are located in the ground floor toilets of the Mathematics Building.
Standard stationery items are available in the Undergraduate Office. Please ask the staff rather than helping yourself
Staff/Graduate Common Room & Kitchen
This is located on the first floor with a gallery area on the second floor.
The kitchen is next to the Common Room where tea and coffee are available for you to make at any time. Payment for this is via a slot in the cupboard by the door. Postgraduate and Masters students can use the microwaves and public fridge but please be sensible about what you put in it and do not leave food to go off. Postgraduate and Masters students are requested not to cook or heat meals with strong smells. Staff and postgraduate/masters students store their own food in the public fridge and cupboard – please do not help yourself, the word “public” refers to the cupboard and fridge not the contents! Please leave the kitchen clean and tidy and wash any crockery/cutlery that you use.Please be warned that contents of the fridge go missing on a regular basis.
Tea and Coffee
Morning coffee is served each weekday in the Common Room from 10:00-11:15.
Afternoon tea is served each weekday in the Common Room from 3:00-4:15.
Coffee costs are 50p per cup, tea is 50p per cup and biscuits are 5p each.
Please see the finance staff in B0.05 if you wish to join the Tea Fund.