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Postgraduate Research (PhD)

Maths Postgraduate Research opportunities at Warwick

Warwick offers cutting-edge research within a large and thriving culture of interactions across the mathematical sciences.

All our PhD students are enrolled in one of our Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) to provide high-quality skills training designed to propel students to successful careers in academia, industry or education.

Centres for Doctoral Training within or closely affiliated with Mathematics

1. Mathematics CDT

Our vision is to create a thorough training environment in mathematics and statistics, spanning pure and applied areas. Mathematics PhD students are enrolled on the Maths CDT stream described below. Statistics PhD students are directed to the Statistics DepartmentLink opens in a new window.

2. Modelling of Heterogeneous Systems (HetSys)Link opens in a new window

CDT in the physical sciences for those who enjoy using their mathematical skills to solve complex physical problems.


Maths CDT

Unlike most CDTs, ours is not dedicated to a specific area of mathematics. The programme provides a CDT framework for students who wish to pursue a PhD in any area of Mathematics, whether it be in pure and/or applied mathematics.

CDT studentships are funded for four years.


The CDT includes a taught course component in the first year as students get to know the department, develop relationships with potential supervisors, and deepen their knowledge in areas of mathematics and statistics relevant to their research interests. Training includes:

Following successful completion of the taught component, and the completion of an individual mini-project, students upgrade from MPhil to PhD and the remaining time is focussed on the PhD project.

The CDT provides ongoing cohort activities throughout the four-year programme. Students participate in:

  • CDT seminars. Providing students with an opportunity to present their ongoing research.
  • Group lunches enabling students to interact in an informal setting and give informal presentations to stimulate discussion across the departments.
  • Skills workshops to discuss options, preparation of CVs, and application strategies for future employment.

Entry requirements

Please consult the information on this page regarding entry requirements.

Mathematics for Real-World Systems CDT

For information on PhD studentships with the Mathematics for Real-World Systems CDT, starting July 2024, please see here for information on the programme and entry requirements.