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Current Postgraduate Students

*Please check the University webpages, Doctoral CollegeLink opens in a new window Website, the PGLink opens in a new window and UGLink opens in a new window maths pages and your emails for updates on the Coronavirus Guidance.

The information below is relevant for students enrolled in MASt, MSc, and the Maths CDT.


Students in MASDOC and MathSYS CDT should refer to their CDT's webpages using the links below:


The pages are designed to give you a quick friendly overview and describe the requirements for obtaining a degree. There is also some advice to help you get the most out of your study here. If you have just arrived, read this straight away to get off to a good start. If you are a prospective student, this should be a good guide to what Warwick degrees offer. If you have any concerns you should seek advice from the relevant departmental contact.

Additional resources can be found on the page of the Doctoral College. This contains information about general academic matters and about the various welfare and support services that are available.

Student information

Please find below a list of the services and information for Mathematics postgraduate students.

Absence, Attendance and Monitoring

Your engagement is recorded through monitoring points, which outlines a series of ‘points of engagement’ or contact points that you are expected to meet throughout that year, comprised of various meetings, classes, training
sessions, academic activities, and the submission of assessed work. The monitoring points are recorded on Tabula.Link opens in a new window You can view your monitoring points here. Link opens in a new window

Please refer to your course handbook for more information on monitoring points. For the Maths CDT information can be found here - Year 1Link opens in a new window, Year 2, 3, 4Link opens in a new window.

Careers and SkillsLink opens in a new window

The university's dedicated careers service can help you to develop your skills, plan your career, prepare for applications and interview, find work experience and even get a job.


The Chaplaincy is a place of hospitality, safety, and care if you need space to reflect in the midst of a busy academic life.

Complaints Procedure

University's three-stage complaints resolution procedure, for when a complaint is unable to be resolved locally.

Dignity at Warwick

Information, guidelines and advice on acceptable behaviour, and processes for reporting and dealing with inappropriate behaviour.

Disability Services

Link to university guidance and support for students with a disability.

Dissertation/project submission deadline

Please check each individual course webpage for updated deadlines.

Doctoral College

The university's Doctoral College webpages, providing a wealth of information and guidance to PhD students and staff. Contains links to helpful FAQs about the submission process for your thesis, as well as the relevant forms that PhD students will need to complete as part of their submission and viva processes.

Eating at Warwick

Vouchers and discounts.

English Language support

Information from the Centre for Applied Linguistics on additional academic English language classes for international students who are already studying for a degree at the University of Warwick.


Warwick Enterprise provides a number of opportunities to nurture and develop entrepreneurs at Warwick through education, mentoring, networking and workshops.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

We strive to achieve fair and equal representation for all, allowing everyone in our community to contribute and reach their full potential.

Exams Office

Part of the Academic Office, the Examinations Office can support postgraduate taught students with information relating to your exams, from timetables to updates.


Information about graduation ['degree congregation'] ceremonies at the University.

Health Centre

Information about health services available at the campus surgery [for students living on campus only].

Health and Safety

Link to the University's Health and Safety information and guidance. In an emergency or if first aid is required, please call Campus Security on 02476 522222 (on an internal phone: 22222). The Security team are available 24/7.

IT Services and Printing

For problems and queries relating to emails, logging in, printing, network and wifi, computers and IT suites, get in touch with IT Services.

Immigration Advice

The University's Student Immigration Service can advise you on visas and immigration procedures.

Late Submission Penalties

Regulation 36 (section 36.3(2)(a)) stipulates that 5 percentage points per working day for undergraduate and postgraduate students should be imposed for the late submission of work where no formal extension had been granted. "Marks" mean marks on a percentage scale. A late piece of work that would have scored 65% had it been handed in on time would be awarded 60 if it were one day late, 55 if two days late etc. A day is counted as a 24 hour period counting from the originally published deadline. Penalties accrue only on working days (not on weekends, public holidays and University closure days). More information can be found hereLink opens in a new window.


You’ll find more than books at the Library. As a postgraduate, you’ll find resources such as online journal articles and ebooks available wherever you are and services to help you develop your information skills or your use of multimedia. They also have a variety of study environments to suit your study needs.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Mental Health Coordinators are available to meet with students who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition or who have a severe and/or enduring mental health difficulty/disability.

Mitigating Circumstances and Reasonable Adjustments

Information on the university's Mitigating Circumstances policy and processes. See particularly Section 3, 'Information for Students'. Mitigating Circumstances can be declared through Tabula.

Please find hereLink opens in a new window more information about mitigating circumstances.

The submission of Mitigating Circumstances is through Tabula from your personal page: Information on how to use the portal is available here.


Nightline is a student-run, confidential, and non-judgmental peer-to-peer support listening service. It is open from 9pm to 9am every night of term and our trained volunteers are happy to listen to anything you may wish to discuss. Nothing is too difficult or too trivial to be worth mentioning.

PlagiarismLink opens in a new window

Plagiarism is covered by Regulation 11, Regulations Governing the Procedure to be Adopted in the Event of Suspected Cheating in a University Test. More information can be found hereLink opens in a new window.

Postgraduate Community

The Postgraduate Engagement Team, based in the Library, works to provide you with the support, opportunities and facilities that you require during your time at Warwick.

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey [PRES]

The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey is a national survey that provides students an opportunity to comment on their experiences as a Warwick postgraduate research student.

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey [PTES]

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey is a national survey that provides students an opportunity to comment on their experiences as a Warwick postgraduate taught student.

Research Council Funded Students

Information from the Doctoral College specifically for holders of a Research Council [UKRI] scholarship. Includes information on funding levels, policies for maternity/paternity/parental/adoption leave, leave of absence, change of study mode, Disabled Students' Allowance, and platforms upon which details of you and your research may be published included Researchfish and Gateway to Research.

Scholarship and FundingLink opens in a new window

Please see the University webpage regarding scholarships and funding opportunities hereLink opens in a new window.

SSLCLink opens in a new window

Membership of and information about the Maths SSLC [Student Staff Liaison Committee].


The University is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all staff, students and visitors who access its services, grounds and facilities. See our safeguarding policy page for more info.

Student Finance

For all student finance and fee queries.

Student Funding

Assistance with funding your studies including advice if you are experiencing any hardship.

Student Status Letter Request

Instructions on how to request a Student Status Letter [or 'Certificate of Status'] from Student Reception. Status letters are useful [often required] for visa applications, as well as for evidencing your status for things like council tax reductions/exemptions.

Student Union Advice Centre

The Students' Union Advice Centre offers practical advice on all kinds of subjects relating to student life. They provide a free, confidential, impartial and non-judgemental service for all students at Warwick and are independent of the University.

Term Dates

University term dates linked to undergraduate study.

Thesis Template

A LaTeX template by the Warwick Mathematics Institute for theses.


Are you a student looking for work to help fund your degree? Are you a graduate keen to develop your skills and increase employability? Or are you an experienced worker seeking a more flexible role in a different working environment? Whatever your situation, Unitemps can help.

Warwick Print

Thesis binding and other services.

Warwick Sport

Whatever moves you, find it at the world-class Sports and Wellness Hub on campus.

Wellbeing Support Services

Information from the university's central Wellbeing Support Services team, who they are, and how they can help.

Wolfson Research Exchange [PG space]

The Wolfson Research Exchange (or REx) is a community space for all Warwick researchers. It provides a forum for interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as spaces for both individual and group study.

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