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4th July 2014: Three Warwick Mathematicians win LMS prizes

Three Warwick mathematicians have been awarded prestigious prizes for their work by the London Mathematical Society (LMS).

Miles ReidProfessor Miles Reid FRS is awarded a PÓLYA PRIZE for his exceptionally creative work on higher dimensional algebraic geometry; in particular, on canonical singularities, the MacKay correspondence, the explicit study of 3-dimensional flips, the structure of Gorenstein rings, and for his inspired expositions.

From the citation: Miles Reid has done fundamental work on surfaces of general type with low invariants; he invented terminal and canonical singularities, in work that revolutionised the field of higher dimensional algebraic geometry; he extended the McKay correspondence to higher dimensions; he is making pioneering discoveries in the structure theory of Gorenstein rings in codimension 4 and higher; he is advancing a monumental project of classification of 3-fold flips. In his research work, Reid has often been a pioneer, often years ahead of his time.

Martin HairerProfessor Martin Hairer FRS is awarded a FRÖHLICH PRIZE for his work on the interface between probability theory and partial differential equations.

From the citation: Martin Hairer’s recent research is regarded as having revolutionized an entire field of research lying between probability theory and partial differential equations. His theory of regularity structures provides a mathematical framework in which it is possible to formulate and understand a number of equations describing the temporal evolutions of certain random systems exhibiting large-scale fluctuations. In particular, it gives a solution theory for the KPZ equation and for the dynamical Φ 4 3   model.

Caroline SeriesProfessor Caroline Series is awarded a SENIOR ANNE BENNETT PRIZE in recognition of her leading contributions to hyperbolic geometry and symbolic dynamics, and of the major impact of her numerous initiatives towards the advancement of women in mathematics. Caroline Series is the first winner of the SENIOR ANNE BENNETT PRIZE which is awarded in memory of Anne Bennett, a gifted scientific administrator who died suddenly whilst working for the Society.

Caroline Series’ research concerns intricate and fundamental questions about the geometry of surfaces and 3-manifolds. Besides groundbreaking research, her wide ranging contributions to the community of mathematicians include a distinguished record of relentless effort in encouraging women mathematicians, both as a founder member of European Women in Mathematics and in many subsequent initiatives.

LMS press release

Mon 10 Nov 2014, 15:43

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