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Warwick Mathematics Institute Vacancies

Assistant Professor x 2 (72571-0824) - Joint positions with School of Life Sciences

Assistant/Associate Professor x 2 (37390-0824)

Warwick Zeeman Lecturer x 2 (104514-0824)

To apply, follow the relevant link above which will take you straight through to the vacancy in the University's job portal. Here you will be able to read further details about the post and be able to apply online by clicking 'Apply Now' at the bottom of the vacancy details. Unless otherwise stated, applicants should arrange for three referees to send letters of recommendation to the Departmental Secretary for Mathematics to this email address: before the closing date.

The post reference number should be quoted in all correspondence.

Note: Assistant Professor = Lecturer; Associate Professor = Senior Lecturer/Reader.
Posts are indefinite (subject to a probationary period) unless otherwise stated in the advert.

The Department has an annual academic job round for a number of Assistant Professorships (Lectureships); available positions will be advertised when confirmed. Links to individual adverts for currently open positions can be found above.

We advertise several junior research positions (postdoc positions = research fellowships) each year (see above for current positions). If you would like to work in the Department in such a position, please contact a member of staff in your research area. Some possible sources of funding are listed in the right hand column. See also general information, About the Institute, or contact the Department Secretary if you have particular questions.

Fellowship Opportunities

If you would like to apply for a research fellowship to be held at Warwick, please contact us in plenty of time about the application.

There are several competitive Fellowship schemes to support talented researchers (some restricted to people who do not currently have a permanent UK position) for periods of 1-5 years. These are offered for example by the EPSRC, the Royal Society and by the EU/ERC. All provide a full salary plus support for travel, computing, etc; some, as described below, offer funding for a research team. The person who wishes to hold the Fellowship applies via a nominated host institution (which need not be their current home institution, and some schemes actively encourage or even demand mobility). Warwick has hosted many holders of such Fellowships. We welcome enquiries from anyone considering applying for such Fellowships nominating Warwick as the host institution. Please either contact a relevant member of the academic staff or email the Head of Department giving brief details of the planned application. We need to know well in advance for administrative reasons, but we can also offer help in deciding which scheme is right for you and navigating through the financial and eligibility regulations etc.

Further Information:

Royal Society University Research Fellowship (URF)Link opens in a new window This scheme is for outstanding scientists who are in the early stages of their research career and have the potential to become leaders in their field. These long term fellowships provide the opportunity and freedom to build an independent research career in the UK and pursue cutting-edge scientific research.

Applicants have the opportunity to submit a research proposal and costs for an eight-year fellowship. Costs for years six to eight are subject to satisfactory progress and completion of a mid-fellowship checkpoint review at the start of year four. Additionally, researchers can now apply for up to £90,000 research expenses per annum to support the research programme proposed in their application.

You can apply for this scheme if you:

  • have between three to eight years of research experience since your PhD by the closing date of the round. Career breaks are taken into account; please refer to the scheme notes for further detail
  • do not hold a permanent post (including proleptic or rolling contract of employment) in a university or not for profit research organisation
  • do not hold, or have not previously held, an equivalent fellowship that provides an opportunity to establish an independent research group and therefore independent researcher status

The University Research Fellowship scheme is now closed for applications until 11 July 2023. The deadline is typically in early September.

Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin FellowshipsLink opens in a new window

This scheme offers a recognised first step into an independent research career for outstanding postdoctoral scientists who require a flexible working pattern due to personal circumstances, such as caring responsibilities and/or health-related conditions.

Applicants have the opportunity to submit a research proposal and costs for an eight-year fellowship. Costs for years six to eight are subject to satisfactory progress and completion of a mid-fellowship checkpoint review at the start of year four. Additionally, researchers can now apply for up to £90,000 research expenses per annum to support the research programme proposed in their application.

You must be able to demonstrate that you currently have, or will have by the start of the fellowship, a need for flexible support due to personal circumstances. This can include parental responsibilities, caring responsibilities, clinically diagnosed health conditions or other personal circumstances that create a need for a flexible working pattern.

You can apply for this scheme if you:

  • are ready to take the next steps to develop your independent research career; you must take the leading role in the project
  • are in the early stages of your research career having up to six years of research experience since your PhD by the closing date of the round. Career breaks are taken into account - please refer to the scheme notes for further details
  • do not hold a permanent post (including proleptic or rolling contract of employment) in a university or not-for-profit organisation
  • do not hold, or have not previously held, an equivalent fellowship that provides an opportunity to establish an independent research group and therefore independent research status

The Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship scheme is now closed to applications until 5 September 2023. The deadline is typically November.

Royal Society Newton International FellowshipsLink opens in a new window

This fellowship is for non-UK scientists who are at an early stage of their research career and wish to conduct research in the UK.

There will is a total maximum award value for applicants to work within. The maximum award value for the 2023 round was £420,000 for a three years' duration. Newton International Fellows will be salaried employees of the University.

To be eligible to apply you must:

  • have a PhD, or will have a PhD by the time the funding starts
  • have no more than seven years of active full time postdoctoral experience at the time of application (discounting career breaks, but including teaching experience and/or time spent in industry on research)
  • be working outside the UK
  • not hold UK citizenship
  • be competent in oral and written English

All applications are developed with the support of a UK sponsor - a Warwick based academic. The Sponsor should work with the applicant to develop the project proposal and should provide mentoring, support and guidance throughout the duration of the award.

The Newton International Fellowship is currently closed to applications until early 2024. The deadline is typically in March.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 | IRB Barcelona

Marie Curie Post-Doctoral FellowshipLink opens in a new window

The objective of Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PFs) is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The Postdoctoral Fellowships action targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. PFs help researchers gain experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors.

Successful applicants are recruited as salaried employees for the total 24 months period of the fellowship.

The EU provides support for the recruited researcher in the form of: a living allowance; a mobility allowance; if applicable, family, long-term leave and special needs allowances. In addition, funding is provided for research, training and networking activities; management and indirect costs.

Researchers interested in PFs

  • should have a PhD degree at the time of the deadline for applications. Applicants who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered eligible to apply.
  • must have a maximum of eight years experience in research, from the date of the award of their PhD degree, years of experience outside research and career breaks will not count towards the above maximum, nor will years of experience in research in third countries, for nationals or long-term residents of EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries who wish to reintegrate to Europe.
  • should comply with mobility rules: they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the beneficiary (for European Postdoctoral Fellowships), or the host organisation for the outgoing phase (for Global Postdoctoral Fellowships) for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.

The call for Post-Doctoral Fellowships is now open. The deadline is 13th September 2023.

Launch of European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants and Synergy  Grants – ECHAlliance

EU European Research Council (ERC)Link opens in a new window

Up to 5 years of funding for excellent researchers at various career stages. The schemes are open to researchers of any nationalities.

  • ERC Starting GrantsLink opens in a new window: 2-7 years experience after PhD. Funding to establish your own research group, including PhD students and postdocs. Minimum time commitment: 50% of your working time. The call for ERC Starting Grants is now open. The deadline is 24th October 2023.
  • ERC Consolidator Grants:Link opens in a new window 7-12 years experience after PhD. Funding a major programme of research to consolidate your independence. Minimum time commitment: 50% of your working time. The call for ERC Consolidator Grants will open on 12th September 2023. The deadline is 12th December 2023.
  • ERC Advanced Grants: Link opens in a new windowFunding for leading researchers with a track record of major research achievements in the last 10 years to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk/high-reward projects. Minimum time commitment: 30% of your working time. The call for ERC Advanced Grants will open on 29th May 2024. The deadline is 29th August 2024.

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical SciencesLink opens in a new window

These are personal, career development focused awards in the Mathematical Sciences portfolio of the EPSRC. You can apply for up to three years for a postdoctoral fellowship. The EPSRC expects fellows to hold the fellowship for 100% of their time.

You must have either:

  • a PhD
  • at least four years’ experience in a relevant field by the start of your fellowship

You could consider applying for a postdoctoral fellowship if you:

  • have recently started formulating your own research ideas for programmes of work up to three years in duration that will deliver high quality research with a focus on discovery science, innovation, instrumentation/technique development or software engineering.
  • can demonstrate that you have acquired the skills and expertise to successfully deliver your research proposal.
  • have not previously held a significant grant (usually defined as those that included PDRA time, capital equipment or were over £100,000 full economic cost).
  • have identified training and development needs to enable you to prepare for an enhanced career in research and innovation.
  • There are no eligibility rules about how many years of postdoctoral experience you need. You do not need to hold a permanent academic position to be eligible for postdoctoral fellowships.

The call for EPSRC post-doctoral fellowships is now open. The deadline is 28th September 2023.

EPSRC Open FellowshipLink opens in a new window and the EPSRC Open Plus FellowshipLink opens in a new window

These are personal, career development focused awards. Open fellowships are for all career stages beyond postdoctoral level and include researchers who are close to their first academic appointment, leading in an area of technical development, or are a highly experienced researcher. You can apply for up to five years for an open fellowship award. The EPSRC expects fellows to hold the fellowship for 100% of their time.

You could consider applying for an open fellowship if you:

  • have already been in receipt of significant funding or have been leading in an area of technical development.
  • have a planned programme of work up to five years in duration, which will deliver high quality research with a focus on discovery science, innovation, instrumentation or technique development, or software engineering.
  • can demonstrate that you have acquired the skills and expertise to successfully deliver your research proposal, and that you are committed to being an advocate for EPSRC and to implementing good practice in creating a modern and inclusive research environment.
  • have identified training and development needs to enable you to expand or enhance your role and career.

Open plus fellowships can design a package of work that meets your wider aspirations by championing a topic to deliver improvements in research culture.

This will enable you to allocate 20% to 50% of your time spent on the fellowship to create positive change in the research community. You will do this by championing a topic aligned to EPSRC aspirations to deliver improvements in research environment in topics such as:

  • equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • responsible research and innovation (RRI).
  • public engagement.
  • policy, regulatory, economic or social aspects of your research.

The call for EPSRC Open and Open Plus fellowships is now open. The deadline is 28th September 2023.

Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships-  Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences - University of Liverpool

Leverhulme Early Career FellowshipsLink opens in a new window

For early career researchers, with a research record but who have not yet held a full-time permanent academic post, to undertake a significant piece of publishable work. Fellowships are tenable for 3 years on a full-time basis. The scheme is based on a pattern of joint support whereby the Leverhulme Trust will contribute 50% of the Fellow’s total salary costs up to a maximum of £26,000 in each year of the award, and the balance is to be contributed by the host institution. The Fellow may request up to £6,000 per annum in research expenses to further his or her research activities.

All candidates must hold a doctorate by the time they take up the Fellowship. All candidates must have submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination not more than four years prior to the application closing date. Hence those who formally submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination before 23 February 2020 are not eligible unless they have since had a career break. Applicants must either hold a degree from a UK higher education institution at the time of taking up the Fellowship or at the time of the application deadline must hold an academic position in the UK (e.g. fixed-term lectureship, fellowship) which commenced no less than 4 months prior to the closing date.

The scheme is currently closed for applications, but should open in December 2023. The deadline is typically the end of February.

Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 | TeenTech

Royal Society for the Exhibition of 1851, Research Fellowships 

1851 Research Fellowships are intended to give early career scientists or engineers of exceptional promise the opportunity to conduct a research project of their own instigation; an ultimate objective is to contribute to the knowledge base required for a healthy and innovative national culture. Around eight awards are made each year.

You can apply for this scheme as an Applied Mathemartician

Fellows can either be employed by institution or self-employed

  • Full payroll cost covered by 1851 Royal Commission
  • Expense allowance of £10,000 pa
  • Access to 1851 Alumni community
  • Intended for early career scientists and engineers of exceptional promise
  • Open to candidates looking to conduct research in any of the physical or biological sciences, in mathematics, in applied science, or in any branch of engineering
  • Candidates must have a recent PhD (or be completing one in year of application) and normally with no more than 3 years postdoctoral experience

The scheme is currently closed for applications, but will open in October 2023. The deadline is typically the end of January.