An Introduction to LaTeX 2016-19
This website is designed to support the Introduction to $\LaTeX$ classes ran by Andrew Brendon-Penn in 2016-2019.
The aim of classes is to introduce undergraduate mathematics students to $\LaTeX$ in preparation for writing their second year essay or fourth year project. There are two types of class: beginners and intermediate. It is recommended that students take both classes. Both classes will make heavy use of examples, which are included on this website so that you can adapt the code for your own use.
Beginners classes will give you enough tools to create simple $\LaTeX$ documents. They are accessible to anyone, even those who have never seen a $\LaTeX$ document before. By the end of the beginners class, you should be able to
- create a simple $\LaTeX$ document and compile it into a pdf,
- understand the main structure of a $\LaTeX$ document
- format your document, include titles, sections, lists of contents, bullet points, etc
- include mathematics in your document either in-line with your text, or as a displayed equation
- format your mathematics by using a variety of mathematical environments
- have some useful tools to find more symbols, and to make writing in $\LaTeX$ quicker and easier
The intermediate classes will also give you tools to make writing an essay or project easier and more professional-looking. By the end of the class you will be able to
- create and use theorem-style environments which make it easy to include consistent and well-formatted theorems, lemmas, definitions, proofs, ...etc
- use BibTeX to create and maintain a bibliography, and to make citations for formal referencing (required in second year essay)
- create and use your own commands
- add tables and images into your documents, and how to include a numbered caption which you can refer to.
Please note: access to most pages of this site is restricted to students who have attended the relevant Introduction to LaTeX classes.
Please note that you will only have access to the pages in this section if you attended the classes covering this material.
§7. Theorem, Lemma, Proof environments
Please note that you will only have access to the pages in this section if you attended the classes covering this material.
§13. Using Master documents (currently under construction)
§14. Creating graphics (currently under development)