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Dr David Wood


Dave Wood

Alumni Fellow WIHEA

Director of Undergraduate Studies (until mid Sept 2024)

Office: B1.13
Phone: +44 (0)24 7652 3592
Email: David dot Wood at warwick dot ac dot uk


I will be on Study Leave during the academic year 2024/25

Research Interests:
Dynamical systems, bifurcations with symmetry, applications to biology and industry.

Department Committees:

  • Undergraduate Teaching Committee
  • Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC)
  • First Year Exam Board
  • Second Year Exam Board
  • Finals Exam Board

Previous and Current University Committees:

  • Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Education Committee (SEMEC, formally SFEC and SUGS) [Chair 2012-2016]
  • Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine First Year Board of Examiners (FYBOE) [Chair 2012-2016, 2018-2019]
  • Board of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine (2012-2016, 2017-2020)
  • Student Learning Experience and Engagement Committee (SLEEC)
  • Board of Undergraduate Studies (2012-2016)
  • Warwick Active Community Programme Steering Committee (Warwick Volunteers)
  • Chair of the Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Forum (2012-2016)
  • Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) Management Committee
  • Technology Enhanced Learning Steering Group
  • Various other AQSC working groups

Most relevant recent publications:

D. Wood, A Cautionary Tale Of Coupling Cells With Internal Symmetries, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, pp 123-132, 2001.
D. Wood, D. Allwright, Optimisation Of Hydrophone Placement: A Dynamical Systems Approach, European Journal of Applied Mathematics 14, pp369-386, 2003.
M. Bayliss, R. Morris, M. Muldoon, M. Readman, L. Reynolds, I. Stewart, D. Wood, Control Of Free Length When Coiling A Helical Spring, IEE Control Theory and Applications, 148, 2001.
D. Wood, Making better springs using aspects of chaos theory, Proc. IMechE Vol. 220 Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, 2006.
K.S. Rock, M.J. Keeling, D.A. Wood, Modelling the future of the Hawaiian honeycreeper: An ecological and epidemiological problem, Ecological Modelling 235/236,pp 26–35, 2012.
K.S. Rock, D.A. Wood, M.J. Keeling, Age- and bite-structured models for vector-borne diseases, Epidemics, 2015.
I. Stewart, D. Wood, Stable Synchronous Propagation of Signals by Feedforward Networks, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 23, pp167-204, 2024,

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