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Muhammad Manji

Research: I am a final year PhD student supervised by David Loeffler and Ju-Feng WuLink opens in a new window. I am interested in a range of topics in algebraic number theory. My research focuses on Iwasawa theory, Euler systems, automorphic forms and Shimura varieties. Most of my current work is focused on the case of the general unitary group GU(2,1).

Euler Systems and Selmer Bounds for GU(2,1)Link opens in a new window - August 2022 (SUBMITTED)

L-analytic Iwasawa Theory for GU(2,1) - IN PREPARATION

Teaching 22/23: Teaching assistant for MA3G6 Commutative Algebra in Term 1. Previously I have taught MA3D5 Galois Theory and MA426 Elliptic Curves..

Conferences Attended:
Arizona Winter School 2022 - Automorphic forms beyond GL_2, March 2022
Galois Representations, Automorphic Forms and L-Functions - CIRM Luminy, June 2022
School on Arithmetic Geometry - Essen, September 2022
Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms in Arithmetic Geometry - Milan, September 2022
London-Paris Number Theory Seminar - Paris, November 2022
Number Theory meets p-adic Representation Theory - Münster, Feb 2023
Shimura Varieties and L-functions - MSRI Berkeley, March 2023
Iwasawa 2023 in memory of John Coates - Cambridge, July 2023

Iwasawa Theory for GU(2,1) at inert primes
University of Santiago, Chile, March 2023
Oxford JART Seminar, Oxford, May 2023
Heidelberg Number Theory Seminar, Heidelberg, July 2023
McGill-Concordia Number Theory Graduate Seminar, Montreal, October 2023
Carleton-Ottawa Number Theory Seminar, Ottawa, October 2023

Education: I completed a BA with MMath at the University of Cambridge. My fourth year dissertation was titled 'The Grunwald-Wang Theorem'
