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Augustin Moinat

I am currently in the third year of my PhD program under the supervision of Hendrik Weber and José Rodrigo.

My research interests are stochastic analysis, in particular pathwise approaches to singular SPDEs and the theory of Regularity Structures.

Academic career

I completed my Bachelor degree at ENS Rennes, France in 2013 and my Master's degree jointly at ENS Rennes and Université de Rennes 1 in 2016. I started my PhD in 2016 at University of Warwick.

Submitted papers

Space-time localisation for the dynamic $\Phi^4_3$ model, A.M. and Hendrik Weber (11.18)

Local bounds for stochastic reaction diffusion equations, A.M. and Hendrik Weber (08.18).

Events attended

3rd September 2018 to 21st December 2018 - Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK - video of a talk

26th to 29th June 2018 - MIGSAA Mini-Course: Singular SPDEs and Regularity Structures, University of Edinburgh, UK

14th to 18th May 2018 - CIRM Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Conference, Marseille, France

17th to 22nd July 2017 - BCAM Summer school - Probabilistic approaches in Mathematical Physics, Bilbao, Spain

27th to 31st March 2017 - Stochastic PDEs: Analysis and Computation, Univerity of Warwick, UK

20th to 24th February 2017 - Hausdorff School: Recent Development in Singular Stochastic PDEs, Universität Bonn, Germany

29th March to 2nd April 2016 - Probabilistic models - from discrete to continuous, Univerity of Warwick, UK


I have been teacher assistant for the following courses during the academic year 2016-2017

-MA254 Theory of ODEs

-MA3G1 Theory of Partial Differential Equations

-MA482 Stochastic Analysis



Other activities

I have a particular interest in a broad range of mountaineering activities and sports, as well as activities derived from the circus, like juggling and unicycling. I also paint in my spare time.